

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-23 19:40:08


Ching Ming Festival arrived, I put a three-day Ching Ming holidays. Holidays, we said OK to go to visit my grandparents sunshine, I have been looking forward to, and now finally have the chance! The first day of the holiday at 7 oclock, we boarded the train to go to sunshine. Arrived in sunshine, we went straight to the beach. After 10 minutes, we went to a million flat coastal ecological park, now is the time of low tide, we played some more than 1 hour to start on the grandparents home, after all, the water is too cold. In the sunshine until the next afternoon, we went back to Linyi had.

Ching Ming Festival, the afternoon, our family cemetery of revolutionary martyrs to pay tribute to the martyrs of East China. Pay their last respects finished, we went to the river to fly a kite, I am very happy!

This is my Qingming holiday! You?


My holiday si happy 。No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful。I very Iike My holiday。 Because it is happy.in holiday.。During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day。I Iike my holiday.


又香又甜的野果生长在不同的季节里。在我还 不知春夏秋冬的时候,爷爷会变戏法似的变出刚刚采摘的山野美味,常常让我喜出望外,欣喜若狂。一奶一一奶一的冬笋炒腊肉实在是太香了!至今还 回味在嘴边,让我直咽口水。

门前的.小溪边是爸爸常常带我去的地方,那里有一片大大小小形色各异的鹅一卵一石。我和爸爸会用鹅一卵一石砌石头屋、石头桥、石头人等。碰到长像奇特一爱一不释手的石头,爸爸会带回家当摆设。我还 说爸爸的书柜像石头柜呢!


时间过得飞快,如今已经三年级了。课业负担重了,学一习一课程也是排得满满的,玩耍的时间自然少了。周一到周五要到学校上课,周末还 有兴趣班,今年的暑假也因为兴趣课安排而没有回到日夜思念的老家。


清晨我还 要站在村口的小山上,看看旭旭东升的一陽一光是如何蚕食瓦房顶上薄薄的汽雾。慢慢欣赏错落有致的房屋和赳赳升起的炊烟与山景融为一体的美丽村庄。



Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.

They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.


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