

首页大全更新时间:2023-12-10 05:51:37



看, 远处有几处桃红,仿佛像小姑娘那粉嘟嘟的小脸蛋。再看,原来是池塘中的一朵朵荷花呀!这颜色可真粉的可爱。这粉嘟嘟的小花儿发出了阵阵芳香,闻得人鼻子不敢停住这一口气。它旁边的鱼儿也突然围着它绕。多迷人呀!






Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.


The comic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the bogies. He is unsociable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always tease him because he has a special ability. Although he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and without complaint at anyone. Eventually he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high school. One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is Ban. And that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relics--a contract that sigh with the bogies. Since then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he die. But before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get free. Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.


In addition, yuki midorikawa has another special work called Yinghuozhisen is also really moving ,sad and beautiful. I suggest that you all can watch it when you have free time.



夏 天是我最喜欢的季节,但是大家都知道武汉的夏天那怎是一个“热”字了得。炎炎烈日像个火炉,闷热的气浪就好像把人放在了蒸笼里。没关系啊,白天我一心只想 宅在家里看电视、打游戏。如果有西瓜吃我就觉得很好了,要是还能吃到冰冰凉凉的冰激凌、雪糕,那就更幸福了。一整天待在家里也是不行的,晚上去游泳是个不 错的选择:既能凉快凉快,又能锻炼身体,真是一举两得。特别是当我们置身于泳池中,尽情玩耍的时候,才知道原来天气越热,游泳就越爽啊。而这样美好的日子 是长达两月之久的暑假,哇塞,真是“谢天谢地”了。

夏天的天气说变就变,暴风雨突来更是家常便饭。那豆大般的雨点如机关枪里面的“子弹” 疯狂的扫射,猛烈地敲打屋顶,冲击着玻璃,啪嗒啪嗒地炸着,水花四溅。瞬间,我们就如落汤鸡了。如果你不怕感冒的话,你还可以像年轻时做出“野蛮其 体魄”的壮举,站在雨中尽情的享受“枪林弹雨”吧!甚至你还可以对天呐喊:“让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧!”记住,最好是在没人的地方。





Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.


The comic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the bogies. He is unsociable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always tease him because he has a special ability. Although he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and without complaint at anyone. Eventually he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high school. One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is Ban. And that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relics--a contract that sigh with the bogies. Since then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he die. But before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get free. Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.


In addition, yuki midorikawa has another special work called Yinghuozhisen is also really moving ,sad and beautiful. I suggest that you all can watch it when you have free time.



When I was very small, I like to watch Mickey Mouse very much. He is so funny and makes me laugh out loudly. Later, I have seen a lot of Disney animation, and all of them attract me. The films that Disney company makes have high quality, and the plots will never let me down. Maybe no other company can please so many children.



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