

首页大全更新时间:2024-03-16 09:34:52





(1I think you have got the answer, would you like to speak it out

(2 Could you say something about your family

一般来说,要生在课堂上回答问题,学生都会感到紧张。例子(1中,I think属于直接缓和语,使语气得以缓和。例子(2中could表示一种建议,学生对于回答这一问题就留有较大的余地,这就减轻学生回答问题时的压力。



(3 According to Oxford Dictionary, honest means not tellinglies, not cheating or stealing and straightforward.

在这个句子中,教师用了间接缓和型模糊限制语“according to”,说明这不是教师主观臆造的解释,而是来自权威的牛津词典,这就使得对这个词的解释更值得信服,具有权威性。



(4I'm afraid you had better think about it again.

例句中用了I'm afraid体现出教师没有采用正面否定的态度评价学生的回答,减轻了学生由于回答不够正确而出现的尴尬情绪,保护其回答问题的积极性。





今年寒假,我到上海美术馆去看画展,上海美术馆位于南京西路325号,靠近于人民公园,上海美术馆是一幢古老的建筑,它的楼顶有一座钟。 一走进美术馆,在底楼展出的是俞云阶的先生的油画。俞云阶是常州人,毕业于中央大学并受教于许悲鸿,他的画风是欧洲风格,第一、二、三展厅主要是以“激情岁月”为题的油画,他创作的.画在50——70年代,他的代表作是《孵》、《教妈妈识字》、《在大愧树下》等。第四展厅是他的水墨画,他的水墨画有《锐目千里——鹰》、《钟道》等作品。此次参观油画展让我了解了油画分为木板画和纸板画。油画是用透明的植物油调和颜料,在制作过底子的布、纸、木板等材料上塑造艺术形象的绘画。它在欧洲起源发展,近代成为世界性的重要画种。它的前身是15世纪以前欧洲的蛋彩画。 美术馆的二楼是以“傩”——晋永泉的摄影展,“傩”戏是古代的中国人们祭祀敬神的仪式,在古代中国人们的政治生活中占具着巨大的作用,现在在贵州、云南等偏远的山区还保留着此活动。民间“傩”一般从中国农历除夕开始举行至正月16结束。参加者头带木雕假面具,手持兵器,做各种扑打鬼怪的动作,并伴鼓声和音乐逐邪。古时“傩”戏每年举行三次,规模很大,肃穆庄重。“傩”在很大的程度上规定了村民们的道德,不偷不盗,否则会遭到抱应的。晋永泉在朴素的黑白摄影里面以独特的拍摄角度赋予那些平凡质扑的农民一种特别的尊严和庄重感。 这一天到上海美术馆参观,让我获取了许多新的知识,让我大饱眼福。


Yesterday I saw the school first class, feeling very deep. This year's theme is beauty is near. Beauty, a very common words, we are literally think beauty is beautiful. So, what is the true meaning of beauty?

With the question I look up, the first lesson is to find beauty. How to find? It makes people lost in thought. When everybody zhang two monks confused, host "shenzhou" 9 astronaut liu Yang, please tell for you. Liu said, the universe is endless, much bigger than she had expected: long, on the other side of the galaxy, the star vega, mercury, Saturn... . All panoramic view. Time is the most interesting of weightlessness, everyone one by one all floating in the air, pens, book ah of what are messy, can be fun. Finally, she concludes the essence to find beauty, love sports, and more to find the beauty around, so beauty will show in front of you.

LiuLiLi mountain elementary school teachers as the second class of the bell took to the podium, she is only 20 years old this year, in this flower age, many girls are enjoying, who will suffer poor mountainous areas! Can't liu, she is out of the mountain, liu with great love for the children's happiness, she hold the children art, gymnastics and other mountainous area children can't learn knowledge. Liu planted beauty, transfer the beauty. Let the beauty of the mountains germination, results. So she right because when people called the most beautiful teacher, this is to create beautiful?

Gymnastics team player Chen yibing showed also in the field. His contribution for our country in the London Olympic Games, the host asked him why he is going to win? His answer: before the race, they are seen as a failure. But because of his companions support each other, encourage each other. Make them very first champions league. The companion's encouragement is beauty.

Yu Dan is the most let me have a feeling of the teacher's words. She hit a harmonious beauty, for example, put eggs, tea, carrot in boiling water, eggs, hardened into the fragrant tea, tea radish was soft. That means what? Hardened eggs tend to be the kind of person who are "really low on agreeableness, and most men are single minded and turnip are too weak, they couldn't get hold of degree dating, so don't be understood, so being bullied. And the tea? It combines with water, this kind of person is good at unity collective, so they are best represents the harmonious beauty.

The school first class with only an hour and a half, but let me benefit a lot.


从语法角度来看,L.Zaden将模糊限制语分为四类。第一类,某些形容词、副词,如very,usually,recently,somewhere等。第二类,在某些词后加上“ish”,“likely”,“-ly”等后缀构成模糊限制语,如reddish,sweetish,manly,childlikely等。第三类,表示说话者对事情拿不定主意、犹豫不决的词,如as if,as thought,so- - - that等。第四类,说话者在表述自己意见时,为了显示更加有礼貌而采用的某些句式,如I think,I guess,it seems to me等。从语用功能角度来看,E.F.Prince及其同事J.Frader和C.Bosk把模糊限制语分为变动型模糊限制语(approximators和缓和型模糊限制语( shields。变动型模糊限制语可以通过其就话题的真实程度和涉及范围对话题内容进行修正。缓和型模糊限制语不改变话语结构的原意,用于指出话语是说话人或第三者的看法,使语气趋于缓和。


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