

首页大全更新时间:2023-08-26 03:33:07







后来,小狗们被抓走了,黑虎很伤心,日日夜夜地在院子里等,我们怎么劝也不肯回窝吃饭,终于,不幸的事发生了,黑虎生病了,我听人们说,把狗放到心里,狗会自己找药治病,可几天过去了,黑虎回来,病情更加严重了,我们束手无策,只好每天照顾它,慢慢地黑虎离开了世间,小鸡们好像也很伤心,不停地叫着,我也情不白禁地流下了眼泪,一家人都伤心极了?唉!可爱的黑虎永别了,我伤心了好几天,掉着眼泪埋了它。 我爱黑虎,爱它的勇敢,它的善良,它的可爱,更爱它伟大的母爱。





五年级上学期,我参加了濮阳市举办的中国汉字听写大赛,在培训学汉字的这段时间里,让我学到了许多知识,还让我懂得了许多道理。我去汉字听写培训班可是有惊无险,经过一轮的比赛与测验,要 选出前九名参加培训。我是幸运的,最后一名正好到我这里截止。我是这九人中考分最低的一个,也就是说我的识字量没他们多,我为此要付出比别人更多的努力,更多的时间,更多的汗水。我并没有 气馁,而是打起十二分精神,好好学,多读多记多练,我要比他们学得更好。我坚信,我一定能做到。

从这以后,我的作息时间表发生了巨大的变化。在学校记字,我比别人抄记得更多,我全部抄完后再一个字一个字地记,遇到难字后在本上不停地练。别人在记完时,我还在一遍遍复习。我认为付出就 一定有收获。每次听写时,我都认真思考,从大脑里快速搜索出这个词的意思和写法,工整地写下来。每次成绩不理想时,我不会灰心,而是找出错字,在本子上认真改错,直到记牢为止。回到家,我 继续认真学习,让爸爸妈妈为我听写和批改。一丝不苟,仔仔细细,每天都学到十一点多才休息。

终于,我的辛苦与付出没有白费。整个资料学完一遍后,老师决定要给大家来一次小,看看大家学得怎么样。就在考试前一天晚上,我还“临时抱佛脚”,好好复习了一番。考试这天,我自信满满 地来到了学校,像往常一样,拿出本子开始记字复习。简单看完一遍后,我们开始考试了。“僭越、罄竹难书、歃为盟……”老师大声地读着。这可难不倒我,我自信认真地把一个个汉字写到纸上。 随着老师越读越快,同学们有点跟不上了,而我不慌不忙,从容淡定。听写完毕,老师批改后宣布成绩,我并没有很紧张,而是相信自己一定能考好。老师宣布到我的名字,我攥紧拳头,竖起耳朵仔细 听:“郭嘉仪,98分,第一名。”一听到这个成绩,我心里乐开了花,但我并没有骄傲,而是感慨万千。



A simple dcussion about Up

Pixar Animation Studios a superior about talking story at all times: Toy Story a story about deeply fraternal affection. Finding Nemo a story about a father’s introspection about h education road. The Incredibles a story about middle-aged man and wife’s life cr. Cars a story about moralities in physical education’s world by telling a star’s experiences. Ratatouille a story about a spirit that never gives up and you can realize your dream. Because of those wonderful cartoons, Pixar makes itself become an excellent symbol in cartoon sphere.

Therefore, Up worth being expected. And the truth that it’s a fantastic cartoon. To my mind, dream, commitment and responsibility the key of Up’s successful.

Children’s dreams are the easiest and the most romantic, on account of they always have deeply interest and passion for new things and strange world. But sometimes it’s difficult to realize their dreams by themselves; they usually need adults’ help. And those behaviors are not only their promes, but their commitments and responsibilities.

Russell and Carl’s relationship a key of Up. They have many differences: age, characters and background. And Up explains the relationship between adults and children by them.

Though Carl and Ellie’s love story just a few minutes, it impressive

and affecting. And it’s my favorite part in Up. Every man and wife wants to live a happy life, but true life usually makes it difficult to realize. But it doesn’t mean dream unpractical, prome untrue. Through Carl becomes unsociable and eccentric, he still remember h prome to Ellie. In my opinion, the thing which flies not the house, but a heart which brave and insts on its dream and prome.

And the adventurer, Charles a special role in Up. I think he stands for the people, who just care about their own benefit, totally forget social benefit and their roles in the society. There are so many kinds of dreams, so there are some persons make fame and wealth to be their goals. In fact, it reasonable, but it’s wrong to damage the social benefit. Th way of doing things terrible, shameful and lamentable. In the film, Charles forges sample at first, then kills many innocent men, and tries h best to get the animal, a kind of big bird. Everything he does for h own fame and wealth. The film has hit the right and wrong on the nose. In the final battle, empty-handed Charles fell down into a so deep cliff. It’s not only a punhment to him, but a satire to th kind of people.

Dream likes a check, prome likes an acceptance. Once you prome, you must try your best to make it come true for it your responsibility and duty.


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