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这学期,我就是把班级的工作重点放在培养学生的自主管理能力方面。培养学生的自我管理能力,首先就是从培养学生管自己能力开始的。《班主任大全》一书中就指出:现在的学生大多数是独生子女,他们对成人的依赖性很强。由于家长的溺爱,这些“小太阳”们在家庭中失去了培养独立性的机会,他们更多的依赖成人的帮助和照料。对于学生自我管理能力的培养主要从三个方面着手:第一方面,利用晨会、班会、队会等,向学生正面宣传“自己能做的事自己做”,让学生从认识上加深对独立性的理解。第二方面,在班级中安排“人人岗位责任制”,使每个学生都有自己的岗位,对自己的岗位负责。第三方面,联系学生的家长,取得家长的配合,培养学生在家的自我管理。 其次就是培养一支班干部队伍。利用管理班级的机会培养学生的自我管理能力,班级小干部是班主任的左右手。要认真选拔小干部,同时要精心培养小干部。第一,帮助小干部树立威信。对于学生自己选出来的班干部,要尊重他们的权利。每天的值日先由卫生委员负责评比,然后,由我发表自己的意见和建议供他们参考。第二,鼓励小干部大胆工作,指点他们工作方法。第三,严格要求小干部在知识、能力上取得更大进步,在纪律以身作则,力求从各方面给全班起到模范带头作用,亦即“以点带面”。第四,培养干部团结协作的精神,要能够通过干部这个小集体建立正确、健全的舆论,带动整个班级体开展批评与自我批评,形成集体的组织性、纪律性和进取心,以即“以面带面”。同时也要注意及时召开班干部会议,针对他们在工作中出现的问题,教给他们工作方法,使他们明确自己的职责,指出他们的优缺点和今后努力工作的方向。同时,还要求他们注意班干部成员之间的合作,齐心协力,拧成一股绳,尽力在同学之间树立他们的威信,创造机会,锻炼和培养他们的能力。




Opening the biography of the famous, in the first introduction, there is a saying: "the air around us is heavy. The old man's Europa is unconscious in a climate of turbidity and corruption, and the vulgar materialism represses ideas, hindering the actions of F and individuals. Society dies in a perverse, self-serving selfishness, and mankind breathes and breathes. Open the window! Let the free air come back! Breath the breath of heroes."

Obviously, romain rolland would calibrate the time warp with heroism. For romain rolland, the true hero, the true greatness is pain and solitude, the struggle of the self with the invisible. In the same quote he also said, "I am not a hero who is a man of thought or power, but a man of great heart." He is a soul, captured the hero is pain to overcome hardships as a shiny scale to measure the hero, and his celebrity biography is revealed three suffering hero's mind in human history biography. They were the great German musicians of the 9th century, Beethoven, the famous Italian sculptor Michelangelo and the Russian literary giant Leo Tolstoy.

He wrote at the end of the Beethoven revolution: "an unhappy man, poor, crippled, lonely, a man of pain, the world does not give him pleasure, but he creates joy to give to the world; He USES his suffering as a joy, as he tells it with his words, the motto of all the brave souls: "joy in pain." "Indeed," for joy with pain "romain rolland tracking of Beethoven's life view of fate, the words make up the" Beethoven turn "internal tension and fascinating ideological appeal.

What supports Beethoven is the quality that does not bow to the imperial power, is not the determination that is bought by money, it is the courage to strangle destiny's throat! It is with these extraordinary mental powers that Beethoven has reached the most sober grasp of life, over the myriad of life's perilous peaks.

This is the eternal spirit that Roman Roland left us in the biography of the famous!


The biography of the famous is composed of the famous French writer romain rolland, the biography of Michelangelo and the biography of Tolstoy, all of which were created in the early twentieth century. These three are famous people all over the world, but they do not give in to their fate and fight against their fate.

The first was Beethoven, a German musician who was born poor and dropped out of school. His life was rough and he was brave to fight his fate. His only family had failed him, and he was badly hit, but he survived. The great musician wrote an immortal masterpiece after hearing the deaf. He conquered the disease and overcame the difficulty. Beethoven was successful because of his spirit, unwilling to yield to his fate, and his spiritual values.

The second was Michelangelo, an Italian composer. He was born to a richer family in Florence. He has a high culture and artistic foundation. He spent his life working for the church. And his family kept asking him for money, and Michelangelo never refused their demands. The Pope had erected a monument to himself, which made Michelangelo less than his ideal. He encountered many difficulties in his life. He insisted that he lived to be in his seventies for his own ideal. Only a man with dogged perseverance like Michelangelo will succeed.

The third is Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer. Tolstoy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has a happy family. He has a high literary talent. He had been successful before, but he didn't care about what he had. He would not enjoy life, he would not spend his life, he would like to reflect the value of his life through human beings. Tolstoy was one of those people who let us see the different sides of the writer, the kind of inner shock that made me feel a lot.

This book tells us to fight our fate bravely, as long as you don't give in to your destiny, one day you will change your fate. There is an old saying that "destiny is in your hands".


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