

首页大全更新时间:2023-12-22 16:54:22



Today, my father bought me a lovely chicken, covered with orange hair, I called it "yellow". Miss Huang's two small eyes blink and act like a little star. Its claws are not so strong and strong as to make Xiao Huang look more lovely. Xiao Huang's favorite thing to do is to sleep on my feet. The fluffy, soft body made my feet warm.


It looked at sleep soundly, I could not bear to heart, afraid of waking it, when I move my feet, it is unable to part my feet to follow. In the evening, Xiao Huang still chirped and asked me to accompany him. So I made a foot model, surrounded by warm water bottle, so his yellow dream, watching it fall asleep, I also sleep at ease.


Huang also love to run and hide and seek, once, I am looking for a long time, did not find it later, Huang was found in my bathtub. It can fly inside, also can not fly out of its own in the bathtub was accidentally jumped. Looking at it, I smiled and took it out carefully. My chicken "Yellow Daisy" is cute!


Today was Sunday. My parents were free, too. I got up at 7'oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo. After the breakfast, I took the camera and went to the station together with my parents. It was already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoo. There were so many monkeys, tigers, lions, wolves and other animals in the zoo. We took many photos in the zoo with the animals. I will show these photos in my class after they were printed. The time passed so fast, we left the zoo at 1'oclock PM. I was so happy today. Now I feel very tired and I will go to bed early tonight.




为什么会说我没有很大的期待,因为我太期待《复联四》了,作为 end game之前一个月上映的电影,在发行之前就应该知道,《惊队》不可能抢这个风头,也决定了这部电影,无论是在视效层面,还是内容的劲爆层面都不可能有很大的惊喜。而且除此之外,还要给《复联 4》做足内容上的铺垫,这就相当于《惊队》要给今年漫威真正的主角做好陪衬,把该说的说完,把该吊的胃口都吊好,这就是我们的《惊队》在漫威电影宇宙层面上要做的要做的所有任务,就这样看来,《惊队》的完成度已经足够高了,对惊队卡罗尔的角色说明,对宇宙魔方时间线的补齐,对复仇者联盟起源的介绍,甚至对老爷子斯坦·李的缅怀,虽然整部片子看起来更像是彩蛋里面插播惊队,但这样看来,她都只是在做自己该做的,默默地为《复联 4》蓄力。


很多人在惊队来之前把她跟钢铁侠放在一起比较,的确,同样作为一个阶段的漫威宇宙领袖,大家都希望惊奇队长的出场,能像钢铁侠一样有着开山般的石破天惊,希望卡罗尔能有着像史塔克一样有起伏,有有肉的角色成长,来让观者能有良好的带入性。但是还是回到一开始说的点,惊奇队长这个角色肩负了太多东西,过多的起承转合的需要压榨了卡罗尔展现自己的舞台。这些体现在电影里,就是过快的角色成长,缺少剧情上的爆点和创新,还有就是不同于以前所有电影,《惊队》里面甚至没有一个像样的最终 boss 的设定,还有的,就是惊队作为第一个女性超英主角,为了体现女性的平衡,甚至有点刻意的女权表现,比较起十年前的《钢铁侠》整一部才说明白了什么是钢铁侠呀,《惊队》已经要带队去打灭霸了。承载的太多,我们也不应该要求《惊队》面面俱到。

抛开剧情再看,全片对上世纪 90 年代的美国的描绘还是非常令人向往的,很多的致敬以及美式电影里面的幽默,这些都将观众的情绪带动做的.非常到位,同时作为美国的超英电影,其灵魂——英雄主义色彩依然是表现得非常到位的。同时,可能是太过熟悉漫威的剧情走向,当看到中段克里人和斯克鲁人的角色向性反转还是觉得非常惊喜的,同时也给到了漫威电影更多剧情上的创新可能。

惊队的路还很长,这部电影仅仅是一个开头,我相信作为下一阶段的主心骨,漫威不会任由这个角色摆烂,这部《惊奇队长》,不妨就捧着一桶爆米花,作为《复联四》之前最后的放松,纯粹的感受视效所能带来的荷尔蒙冲击,在惊奇队长一拳将银河战舰开膛后,大呼爽快便是。至于《复联四》之后,那个再也没有斯坦李老爷子的宇宙,x 战警世界线回归的宇宙,惊队要怎么带着漫威继续坑骗我们下一个十年的青春,走着瞧便是。


I get early last Sunday.I take a bus to the zoo with my parents.We see many kinds of animals there,like elephants,pandas,lions,tigers … Some of them are very cute,but some are ugly.Some are scary,but some are friendly.My favorite animal is the panda.It is very cute and shy.My father takes a photo for me with the panda.I am tired when I get home,but I have a good time in the zoo.

I got up early last Sunday.I took a bus to the zoo with my parents.We saw many kinds of animals there,like elephants,pandas,lions,tigers … Some of them were very cute,but some were ugly.Some were scary,but some were friendly.My favorite animal is the panda.It is very cute and shy.My father took a photo for me with the panda.I was tired when I got home,but I had a good time in the zoo.

Visiting the Zoo

Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there at 8:30.There were many people in the zoo.Some were watching the animals,some were playing games and others were resting under the trees.We went to watch the birds first.Then we came to see the monkeys.They were very lovely.We also saw the tigers and the lions.We saw many animals in the zoo.We felt very happy.


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