

首页大全更新时间:2024-03-04 05:18:54







It is obvious to everybody that the only way to achieve one's goal is to work hard. Just as the old saying goes "no mill, no meal". Have you ever seen a man who succeeds just by idling about? Of course, the answer is "No". So we know if you want to gain something, you will have pains.

The farmers harvest by a year of arduous work; the scientists gain achievements by years of devoted researches; students get good marks by working hard; even the little ants have their food by working hard day and night. 1 know there are always some people who wait for the opportunities falling on them. They may attribute their failures to lack of good chances. Therefore, there are so many people gaining nothing at last. Clever men know that the more effort they make, the bigger chance they will have to be successful.

So, when others achieve their aspirations and you still gain nothing, don't complain about the unfair fate and don't give up, either. Remember: no pains, no gains.


The winter vacation is not so far from us.there are lots of thing I have done while this vacation.For one thing ,I have my lessons reviewed ,in order to improve the qulity of study.For the other thing,I wish I would be betterafter hard working with my course.at first, I must correct all my final examination paper. Secondly,I insist on reading English books and newspapers every day.I also keep on oral pratice.

In my spare time,I will take an active part in activitise.I can gain the first hand imformations through the activitise which can help me to extend my knowlege.

I'm sure this vacation will be the best one for me.Let me try!



以”there”为前缀加上介词构成的词,如thereafter, thereby, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereunder, thereupon, therewith等,在文中具体指什么,需要读者依照合同的上下文来判断,因而理解起来比较复杂,请看下例:

This Agreement is written in the English language。 In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any translation thereof, the English text shall govern。 句中”the English version and any translation thereof”从上下文判断意为 “the English version and any translation of the English version”,即thereof一词代替of the English version。与以here开头的词如hereof的理解方法类似。


该词意为in that, in that particular

context, in that respect,“在那里”,“在那点上”,“在那方面”,表示上文已提及的“合同中的”“工程中的”。如:the contract or any part thereof意为the contract or any part of the contract,合同或合同的任何部分。


该词意为:to that,“随附”,“附之”,如:“Contract Products” means the products specified in Appendix 2 to this Contract, together with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respect thereto。 句中or developments with respect thereto 意为:or developments with respect to the developments。


该词意为:under that, “在其下”,“依照”,如:The Borrower fails to pay any amount payable thereunder as and when such amount shall become payable。 句中any amount payable thereunder意为any amount payable under the contract。


这个假期真是喜事连连,春节到了,家家户户忙着贴春联、买年货 忙的不可开交。我们家也忙着打扫屋子,准备过春节。

日子一天天的过去了,终于迎来了春节。一大清早,就有人开始放鞭炮,热热闹闹的。傍晚,太阳慢慢躲到山后。晚上,万家灯火,万家欢乐。很多客人到我们家,高高兴兴的围坐在一起吃年夜饭,聊天,打牌等。吃完团圆饭后,大约8点钟,《春节联欢晚会》开始了,我们一家坐在电视机前看《春节联欢晚会》,耳边还不时传来震耳欲聋的鞭炮声。晚会节目很精彩:有优美动听的歌曲,有幽默风趣的小品 节目真是丰富多彩,看得我眼花缭乱。我听见笑声,磕瓜子的啧啧声 祝大家新年快乐!



How time flies, unconsciously the next winter vacation will soon come. In order to improve myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday, I made the winter vacation plan.

Firstly I want to continue with my study, I think study is a life process, so no matter what the situation I am in, I will look for chances to continue it. I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes.

Secondly, since it is the holiday, I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon come, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation.


My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping.

One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play computer games! How mad we are!

This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday.


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