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"The journey to the cabin" is a touching story. It mainly tells the little boy Carle happened to come to a small house, see the little girl Allie, and they are always together, but they have a common desire to fly the house to the waterfall of heaven, but unfortunately, his wife died, and he guarded this one The house also met Russell the "Explorer", then the two of them met Kevin and Doug bird dog. There are all sorts of difficulties.

When it comes to the travels of Fei Yuan ring, it is loved by children, but I feel it and write it. In this cartoon, the producer must have paid a lot of sweat and energy, how vivid the character's expression is, and make the original static characters vivid. In the background, bright colors, bright and beautiful, let a person feel everything is so beautiful. In this cartoon, my favorite is Carle, who is not afraid of difficulty, danger, ambition, courage to face it, to be fearless, and to be optimistic. His spirit is worthy of my study.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, only the people who have the heart." We should all learn from Carle and Russell and learn their fearless spirit. During the rapid progress of the times, it was greatly publicized.


Chinese immigrants struggle to hold onto their American dream after the husband's father (Xu Zhu comes for a visit from mainland China and gives a si-mp-le Chinese Medicine therapy called Gua Sha to his grandson.

Da Tong (Tony Leung Ka Fai is the father who is trying to integrate his Chinese cultural beliefs into his daily American reality, especially when dealing with his bo(Hollis Huston and best friend, who is too quick to believe the worst about Da Tong's treatment of his son, Dennis. Da Tong's failures show his confusion about the differences between his original Chinese culture and his new American home. Even within his family there is conflict because Grandfather can't speak English and is excluded from many conversations because Mother (Wenli Jiang wants only English spoken in her home for the benefit of her American born son. Da Tong and his wife are very well educated and understand that their child's best chances for succein America, and for him not to experience the same troubles they've had during the past 8 years, are to speak without an accent. They even go so far as to insist the boy use a fork and knife instead of chopsticks, even when it's obvious they are still eating Chinese style food, served in the normal way: communal dishes for the food and smaller, individual rice bowls for each person. Mother seems a bit inflexible in her insistence on being as American as possible, while Da Tong's cultural leanings are just as strongly Chinese, although not by conscious choice.

Da Tong's love for his son is tested severely when Da Tong tries to balance it against respect for his boss. When Da Tong's son hits his boss' son, Da Tong insists on an apology that seems unnecessary and makes Da Tong look stubborn and uncaring. Da Tong gives his boy a light rap on the head when he refuses to apologize and the boy cries to his mother that the reason he hit his playmate was that the other boy called Da Tong stupid, one of many examples of doing the wrong thing to protect your family.

The conflict arising from doing the wrong thing out of love or respect for one's family or closest friends continues throughout the movie, and every way Da Tong turns, he finds failure and encounters both obvious and subtle forms of anti-Chinese racism. Even Chinese folklore about the Monkey King, Sun Wu Kong, that Da Tong incorporates into a video game he designed is used to provoke his pride when he's vulnerable and fearing for the loof his son. Da Tong is misunderstood by everyone, family, friend, and foe, even though he has only the best intentions, and he carries the responsibility quite heavily, ma-ki-ng one wrong turn after another.

Gua Sha (The Treatment shows how a person's cultural beliefs are so deeply set within oneself that it is usually impossible to examine why you do most anything, from how you dreand talk to whom you love and respect and how you show it. The invisible nature of one's cultural beliefs also makes it difficult to impossible to explain yourself to others when questioned. Da Tong experiences an excruciatingly painful and difficult struggle while trying to protect his son, an ordeal that forces him to examine the validity of some of the most vital things he thought he knew about his identity, his Chinese culture, and the new American world he'd chosen as his home.

The movie showed me how normal it is for people to look for ways that their culture is superior to others' and how the misunderstandings arising from different cultural perspectives can seem very large, but can be nullified with si-mp-le, 2-sided explanations when people are willing to listen.

It appears this film is not readily available in the USA, but it's the best I've seen at highlighting the differences between American and Chinese culture. Parts of the movie's dialog are only in Chinese and I've yet to find a DVD with English subtitles, although it's easy to get the gist of what's going on during those short passages. The credits are a combination of Chinese and English, holding true to the integration of both worlds. I've noticed some important roles are not credited here on IMDb, such as Judge Horowitz, who was played by Alexander Barton。


On Sunday, there was a viewing lesson in the composition class. The movie was called "flying house ring travel". This movie left a deep impression on me.

Carle, the hero, is an admirable man. He thinks love is sacred. When the time goes on, he and Allie still have strong feelings. Carle is very honest, when Allie was sick, he holds on the edge of the bed to take care of Allie, but Allie is not in. Carle, in order to fulfill Allie's wishes, regardless of his old body, still managed to go to distant South American fairyland falls.

Carle, with countless balloons carrying dreams, lifted the wooden house slowly, and the God was conquered by the courage of Carle, and sent Russell, a clever and lovely little fat man to fill his heart. But next to the waterfall in Wonderland has met the bird Kevin, then a magnificent adventure began......

After watching the movie, Carle's persistence in love and persistence in love impressed me deeply. When I recall the old Carle's tired body dragging the wooden house difficultly, his eyes were always steadfast. Who would have the heart to not let him realize his dream? If all of us have the spirit of perseverance in Carle's learning, what will the world be like? Now, I can also accelerate the simple and happy days of Carle and Allie: changing white clouds, transparent savings tanks, countless ties...


Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.


Today, the school organized "children watching animation, childlike innocence" activities. We went to see the movie -- flying house ring travel notes.

I was impressed by the film. It is said that an old man named Fei Dexun and a lovely field Explorer Russell ride in the balloon house, experience a thousand hardships, reach the Paradise Falls, and put his home there, to realize the dream of the old man Fei Dexun.

Fei Dexun and his wife AI became partners when they were young. Later, Ellie died, and the old man would be sent to the green oak nursing home. Fei Dexun put the 100000 balloons he used to hang on the house and flew up into the air. The results met the rush to "help the elderly" badge of the little boy, russell. He accidentally took the flying room of Fei Dexun's old man and started an adventure together. The way they experienced a lot of hardships and dangers, and a bird named Kevin became a friend. Later, in order to save Kevin, they almost failed to realize their dreams. Then it is friendship and justice, so that they finally overcome the evil and win the battle.

The story is very touching. After reading it, we will find that there is a truth in it: persistence will win. I like this movie!


Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.


In the movie ,Toula is expected to marry Greek boy ,make Greek babies , and feed everyone until the day she dies ,which makes me think about women’s status in our old China .Greek women have the role in common with our traditional Chinese women in their family ---they do the cleaning ,cooking ,washing and so on.

Many people say that the United States is a big melting pot for the reason that after immigrants were there for some time, they may become Americanized, and differences gradually melt down .But in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the Greek family keep their own customs and identities. We can conclude that each country has its own culture. Therefore there are many cultures in the world, and they are different but equal .So it is wrong for the racists to think their culture is superior to other cultures, because all cultures have both strengths and weakness .And since the cross-cultural marriage between Toula and Ian Miller is reached, we ought to accept and respect foreign cultures with an open minds and develop our awareness of globalization when we are confronted with the multicultural world.


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