

首页大全更新时间:2024-05-27 20:03:35


Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince.This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth.Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose.

So he leaves there and travels into space.He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox.The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet.This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot.

I like little price adventures.He teaches me to be honest and love others.All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.


Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Janes childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marshs End (or Moor House and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.





\"The Pursuit of Happyness\" is a simple inspirational movie.It is not pretty actors,no fancy pictures,no touching music,but can also attract you read on law-abiding,because it has good enough story,plain but not mediocre!

Two of the film places the novel,though intentionally set,but that is not offensive,not far-fetched,pregnant with meaning.

First:When Chris (Will Smith plays to see graffiti in the \"happyness\" spelling error,he said these words:There is no y in happiness,There is i.(y or Why.This line is extremely clever setting,it also aims to express through the entire film.Yes,there is no happiness in the why,the only others only their own happiness.Why blame others than their own happiness is meaningless,only rely on their own can be happy.

Second:when the movie started,Chris was in the crowd jammed the streets to push forward,in the smiling faces in only his bewildered,stood helpless with.And towards the end of the film,

Chris was in the same place,look left to meet the emotional tears and applause for his rallying.In the calendar through suffering,sorrow,abandonment,abjection,helplessness,despair,after Chris with patience,hard work and attitude of never giving up in exchange for part of his life,the good old days.So in the moment through the probationary period,Chris is happy.





其实,我们在进行设计所有教学环节时, 出发点必须是为英语课堂服务的。共同的目的就是为了能更好地学习外语。在阅读本书时,它使我更深刻地认识到,外语是一门工具型的课程,学生掌握外语的目的是为了使用外语进行交际。由于学校的外语课程是在教师指导下实施的,除了进行语言训练外,教师在教学过程中还不断激发学生学习外语的兴趣,帮助他们树立学好外语的信心,养成良好的学习习惯,并与学生一起探讨有效的学习策略。




\"The Little Prince\" is a clear book, as clear as the water. It’s writes for adults, teenagers and children. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is beneficial. And \"Little Prince\" can make people feel warm and fresh.

The story is about a boy. He lives on a small planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prince. Fortunately, a beautiful rose came in his life. They loved each other. But a little argument separated them. He left the planet which he lives, starts traveling. He went to many planets and met many different people. He likes to watch the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely.

At last, he understood how to love each other. Love and life is a very important thing. He is very regret. He wanted to return to the planet which he lives. But he didn’t know the road. He chose to drank snake venom end his life because he thought it will be able to cast off his bulky body to go back.

Every time, when I read \"The Little Prince\", I always moved about it. In real life, we often busy in the whole day, such as a fly without soul. The passage of time, childhood away, we grew up and took away a lot of memories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

Because ‘The Little Prince’ story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touched on the responsibility of the life.


\"Little Prince\" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens。 Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died here

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it. the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.

When the little prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and become a king, others only obeys.

The second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily become conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the possession, finally left with nothing…

I think the Little Prince This book is a family book, in this book, I can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small Prince did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all children have the same do not know. So I felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I am prince from an early age I learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible. Really important things is to look at motives.


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