how tostay happy的英语作文(howtospeakenglishwell的英语作文)

how tostay happy的英语作文(howtospeakenglishwell的英语作文)

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how tostay happy的英语作文(howtospeakenglishwell的英语作文)

how tostay happy的英语作文【一】

我家有一只小猫名字叫花花,这是 它身上的颜色 种,黄的、白的、黑的等等。

花花刚来我家的时候很小,身体很弱,叫起来咪 咪的,让人疼爱。以后长大了就好看了。花花的两只小耳朵是三角形的,当听到声音时就竖的很直。两个眼睛就像玻璃球一样,晚上发出绿色的光很可怕。胡须很长。


花花贪睡,喜欢晒太阳,冬天的时候他经常趴在床上,里窗子很近,把头 四肢里面,卷缩着身体睡大觉。夏天 ,有太阳的地方多,他睡觉的地方也多了。有时候睡够了就起来伸个懒腰,溜达一圈后再睡。

花花贪玩,最喜欢的是毛茸茸的东西了。妈妈外出旅游的时候给我买的 毛茸茸的小背包,他玩的可 了,一会儿用嘴叼着摔打,一会儿用前爪子摁着,再用嘴撕扯。 上午就玩烂了,我很生气,又拿他办法。

花花会讨人喜欢,在看电视的时候,他就会跳到我的身上让我抱着,舔舔我的手并轻轻的叫几声, 非常的温顺。

花花爱干净,上厕所的时候先用脚扒 小坑,完事后再盖上土,而且常在院子的那棵香椿树的下面,位置 固定。他讲为生的习惯比小狗好多了。

花花很警惕,不管是在睡觉的时候, 在玩的时候,只要听到有很小的声音,都会警惕地竖起耳朵,瞪起眼竟来,嘴里还有呜呜的声音。

花花的事情还有 ,只要 观察,还会 有趣的事情。

how tostay happy的英语作文【二】

Monday is a happy day for me. Because I can listen to the workman.

Thuesday is a happy day for me. After class, I can play with my friends outside. Sometimes, we are playing hide and seek, sometimes, we are playing badminton. The sun shins us. We’re feeling very happy and hot.

Wednesday is a happy day for me. I can help my mother cook supper. At evening, I’m writing some compositions.

Thursday and Friday are happy days for me. Because we have P.E lessons and English lessons.

Saturday is a busy day for me; I have English lessons, composition lessons and math lessons.

After Saturday, the Sunday is coming. On the Sunday morning, I’m going to learn English in my school. At Sunday’s afternoon, I’m go shopping with my presents.

I love Monday. I love Tuesday. I love Wednesday. I love Thursday. I love Friday. I love Saturday. I love Sunday. I love all days. All day are happy days for me. A happy week for me!

how tostay happy的英语作文【三】

This is my first week in ** Senior Middle School.Everything here is new for me.Our school is an old school but it`s very beautiful.I have 50 new classmates in my class.They`re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little sad.Because I`m too common.But come to think of it,it`s a very good thing.I believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent classmates.I didn`t know why Ms *** chose me to be the committee of study.But I know it`s a good chance for me to raise my ability.All I can do is do my best in the future.I am sure that Ms *** and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because they`re all very kind.It`s a pleasure to work and study with them.I`m really very happy.I`m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like others.I believe I won`t make anyone disappointed.

how tostay happy的英语作文【四】



哪去了?土豆。土豆。土豆。晚自习,“哟——你这是咋的了?”党兼同桌群问我。“无可奉告。”我冷了她一眼。“哟——我打断你思乡还是相思了?”她冒出一名“鬼话”。“非也,非也,本小姐只是在……干嘛要告诉你呢?”我差点中了她的圈套。“唉哟,干嘛 那么小气呀!?”她似乎生气了。“好吧,我,我,我只是很烦,等他真急人呀。”我应付一句。“等谁?男的女的?大的小的?”她得寸进尺,“你烦不烦?”我也不耐烦了。“这样子呀,那我们做个游戏,我赢了你就得告诉我你等的人是谁。你赢了,我赠你一样东西。”她不知有什么鬼点子。“东西我不稀罕,倒是无聊得很。开始吧。”我说。“我说一句话,你必须得答复我,然后你再说一句话让我来答复你。OK?”“OK!”“你今天很漂亮也。”“是吗?”“是的!”“我心情不好。”“Why?”“不告诉你——才怪。”“那说吧。”“就是那个地球那个你速度那个你太慢了。”“什么?”“没什么。”“……”她无语答复我。“我赢啦!”我举起双手做了一个胜利动作。“好,赠你——前往阎王殿的门票一张!”她露出香蕉般的笑。

how tostay happy的英语作文【五】



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