i am proud of myself九年级作文(my feelings英语作文九年级)

i am proud of myself九年级作文(my feelings英语作文九年级)

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-21 04:21:10
i am proud of myself九年级作文(my feelings英语作文九年级)

i am proud of myself九年级作文【一】


我是一名生长在地球上的小女孩儿,我现在是一名三年级的学生。等下学期开学的时候,我就上四年级了。我出生于亚洲东部的中国。我的家乡在沈阳,她是东北三省之一的辽宁省的省会。是一个古老而闻名的城市。更是清朝的发源地。清代的皇帝——皇太极就安葬在沈阳的北陵公园。 亲爱的外星人朋友,你们知道吗,我的家住在沈阳市于洪区的北部,虽然是农村,原来的名字是乡、村,但是现在已经叫街道了。我居住的村子原来叫“四台子”,因为XXXX年这里发生了水灾,为了重建家园,才改成现在的名字,叫“建设村”。以前,我的爷爷住的是茅草房,村里没有一条像样的路。出门办事,走亲戚要靠双脚。现在却大变样了,村里现在修了柏油路,路旁绿树成荫,花果飘香。我们一家三代六口人,住上了宽敞、明亮的砖平房,家里买了汽车、摩托车,出门就是现代化的交通工具。就连种地、秋收都是用机器了。 亲爱的外星人朋友,你们知道吗,我现在读书的学校可漂亮了!宽阔的大操场、高高的'教学楼,宽敞明亮的教室。在这么好的环境里,有我慈祥而又可亲可敬的老师,还有我的天真、活泼、可爱的伙伴。我们一起读书、学习,我感到非常的幸福,快乐! 亲爱的外星人朋友,你们那里怎么样?能写信告诉我吗?我很愿意和你们成为好朋友,你们愿意吗?真诚的欢迎你们到我们这里来做客!盼望你们早日到来! 愿我们成为永远的好朋友!


i am proud of myself九年级作文【二】

Confucius loved and respected the art of cooking. He established culinary standards and proper table etiquette. Most of these are still considered to be the standards even today. The tradition of cutting foods into bite size pieces during preparation is unique to the Chinese culture. The use of knives at a Chinese dinner is considerd poor taste. Confucius taught that good cooking depends on the blending of various ingredients and condiments rather than the taste of the individual elements. He believed that in order to become a good cook one must first be a good matchmaker. The flavors of the ingredients must be blended with harmony. Without harmony there is no taste. He also stressed the use of color and texture in preparing the dish. Most certainly Confucianism helped elevate cooking from a menial task to the status of an art, "the art of Chinese cooking." Taoism was responsible for the development of the hygienic aspects of food and cooking. The principle objectives of this philosophy were people's wish for longevity. In contrast to supporters of Confucianism who were interested in the taste, texture and appearance, Taoists were concerned with the life-giving attributes of various foods. Over the centuries the Chinese have explored the world of plants, roots, herbs, fungus and seeds to find life-giving elements. They discovered that the nutritional value of vegetables could be destroyed by improper cooking and that many items had medicinal value. For example, ginger, a favorite condiment, is also used to soothe an upset stomach and as a cold remedy.


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