

首页话题更新时间:2024-06-11 22:02:36


Welcome to visit wonderful Hong Kong. Hong Kong has a lot of buildings and botanical gardern.Hong Kong somewhere near the sea. You can do lots of outdoor activities. It supposed to be very hot. You can swimming, you can go camping. We can provide you with a tent.

Traveling around Hong Kong by subway can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient to by bus to most places.

It has a big shopping center. You can buy lots of things. It’s fantastic! Let’s go.

Welcome to Hong kong! I am your guide in Hong kong and my name is Wang ping. As we know, Hongkong was once a British colony and on July 1,1997,it smoothly came back to China.

Hongkong is in the south of China, and her neighbor is Shenzhen. She is made up of 236 large and small islands. We can visit many resorts here, such as Disneyland, the Ocean Park and the Wong Tai Sin Temple and so on. You are sure to have a good time.


Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Welcome to colorful nature pare!

There is a clean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass. There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many flowers near the path.

Look! There are some birds in the sky. One, two, three…… oh! So many!





当我们的冒险船开到一座假山时,突然船停了下来,“怎么回事?”大家全都十分疑惑,“轰!”的一声,感觉背后有什么东西热热的,转过身,哦,卖糕的(Oh my god!)只见假山上不断喷出火焰,两边的假山中间的缝隙最多只能过一条船,两旁的火焰炙手可热,好像船只要一晃,我们就会跌入火海之中!船上不断有火星子跳入,像蛇那火红的舌头在跳舞,一种恐惧感扑面而来,让人觉得窒息!我们真想船赶快开走,可船却一动不动,过了好久船慢慢的开动了,那火红的舌头还在我们的身后舞蹈,仿佛不忍心看着猎物逃跑。一会儿后,心里那只小兔子终于不跳了!我长出了一口气!穿过一片森林之后,终点已经遥遥在望,我们一个个都下了船,穿着湿淋淋的衣服,摸摸自己被吓坏了的心:这一趟香港之旅真值!

香港不愧为一个受众人称赞的地方,这的人们遵守规则,各种服务项目应有尽有,娱乐节目各种各样,I love Hong Kong!


On the stroke of midnight, as July 1st, 1997 begins, the exciting moment is coming -- Hong Kong will return. Now the whole nation is in jubilation. All my family sat in front of TV to watch the Hong Kong handover ceremony. Seeing the Chinese national flag rising and Chinese president making a speech, I was deeply moved.

As is well known, Hong Kong was originally a part of China in history.After the Opium War, the British imperialists stole it from the corrupt Qing government and made it a colony of Britain. But from now on Hong Kong will no longer be a colony but "a Special Administrative Region" (SAR of the People's Republic of China. Its return owes to our powerful country.She is becoming politically and economically powerful day by day. I'm determined to study hard and make contributions to our country's development in the future.




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