

首页写景更新时间:2023-05-24 08:46:52


Today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment.

We can see from the news that when the holiday comes, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. People like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike. On my opinion, the best way to travel is by train.

First, it is very cheap. Compare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money.

Besides, taking the train is much safer.

People don’t have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. Second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train.

Though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to Tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. Taking the train is the best way to travel.



How bright the June sun is, and the bright sunshine brings us to the same heart. It's like this: Dad took a camera from school and took pictures for us these days. Dad organized us to play together today. In the afternoon, we rode on motorcycles and walked on the same road.

On the way, I was in a good mood when I suddenly saw a blue sea, the sea breeze blowing my body, comfortable, the sea breeze seemed to blow into my heart, blowing out all the unhappiness in my heart.

Soon we came to Shiyuan. We just walked into the poetry garden. Before I took the two step, I came to the gate. I thought, "Oh! How nice it is to take a picture here, so I hastened to shout, "Dad, please come and take Zhang Xiang to me." Dad hurriedly came over and took a picture of me with a click. Then we went on, when I found one of the rocks, just one that could make me do something, and when I was sitting, my father came over to give me a picture. We ran to the place where there was water and came to the side of the sea. I thought, why not take a picture with the sea? I put my posture ready for a picture. Dad came over again and gave me a picture.

At this time we came to the place where there was a pavilion, and everyone was ready to see this good place. You see your sister's posture so beautiful, and the brother also put a posture in the mother's arms. I started to prepare, when I suddenly saw a stone made goose. What I want to ride on it, how impressive and impressive. I got on the goose on top of it. Dad came to take a picture of me. My sister came to take a picture of the little fish next to him.

Then we came to the mosque, because we didn't have enough time, so we hurriedly made several photos.

When Dad took us to a place, there were two ships, and I wanted to experience the experience of the ship as a ship, but the steamer was not there. So we don't have a steamer.

I am very happy today.



















这一天,爸爸说要带我去厦门玩,我高兴得一蹦三尺高。到了厦门,爸爸先带我去科技园,啊!里面的动物标本可真多,我看见蝴蝶标本,小象标本、青蛙标本… …最吸引我的是那恐龙化石,恐龙化石比我高好几倍,真是个庞然大物,它的牙齿很尖,让人看了就怕,我忘了告诉你,听服务员说,这是一只霸王龙呢!

我不知不觉地玩了几个小时,爸爸看了看时间,就带我出了科技园,来到海边玩,爸爸给了我一个袋子让我去捡贝壳,海滩踩上去松软松软的,贝壳大的、小的形态各异,有的像扇子… …。我情不自禁地唱起了歌:“松软软的海滩呀,金黄黄的沙,赶海的小姑娘… …我找呀找,一只小篓装不下,装呀装不下呀… …。我找到了好多贝壳,其中有一个最漂亮的大贝壳,它的有壳白色带黄色的花纹,像一把扇子。我还在石缝里挖到一只海鱼,身子是黄色的,肚子鼓鼓的,样子真可爱。

在爸爸叫我已经夕阳西下的时候了,我才留恋不舍的回家了。那海滩上还留下我们的一串串脚印… …


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