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从位于第六台阶的“马蒙入口”进入(位于第十六台阶处的原始入口已禁用,走较为平缓的马蒙通道约 30米,抵达一条倾斜度约为26°的下降通道,稍费力一会儿,就只能近乎于爬姿的,走上升通道了,到达大走廊可挺直身子,歇息会儿,继续顺着上升通道爬,再顺着小段较平的通道,就能到大金字塔的核心-国王室了。看到一具无盖的空无一物的石棺;南北墙上各有一个洞,就是称为通风孔道的。本想盘腿坐在国王室内的石板上,提升、提升智力,通灵、通灵一番,感悟、感悟些前生后世,可惜总有别的游客打搅,没辙;原路返回,出大金字塔,重见天日。100埃磅换回一身大汗,以及闻了半个多小时的极难闻的塔内空气(要是还有几千年前的成份,那还值点。


1 大金字塔内许多历来考古挖掘到的通道和腔室并不向游人开放,如地下墓室,皇后室及南北通道(20xx年9月全球直播的机器人探秘,神秘的井孔通道(从皇后通道斜着通到下降通道,总长可达55米,国王室上方的五层 “减重室等。现今,进入大金字塔内,就是纯商业性质的顺着光线昏暗的空气极其难闻的内部通道,类似爬,到国王室,然后原路返回,真的毫无意义。

2 里面狭小,氧气稀点,体力不好者,真别花那冤枉钱;千万别赶上一大伙人一同进入,则在通道中想歇息会儿都难;在国王室内就是拥挤了,想坐下或躺着,多吸收些神奇的有益的金字塔能量,都没戏了。



Summer vacation on that day, our whole family to get up early followed set out to travel, filled with our laughter all the way.

Came to the tiger mountain, I saw the mountains at the foot of the mountain have a rest, the salesman saw we'll meet up selling their goods to us, we didn't buy it back in the car, the car from the bottom to the top of the hill, hill road edge is very thin, mountain road is rugged, I looked at the cliffs and thought, because I was the first time to drift, don't know what kind of drift.

Got to the top of the mountain, a few yawn, everyone tired to lazy underground car, is the entrance of a pile of air craft, large and small filled with the door. Staff repeatedly asked everyone: "wear life jacket wear a good helmet to right door to wait in line."

Put on the clothes after we will go to the line, to me, I and my mother sat with a boat atmosphere. On the big boat when staff told us how handrails... Just with a curious mood along the landscape to the distance. This water can be bad to "walk", along the way encounter a lot of risks, vortex, boat, landslides, everything, when all boats were in small caves are fixed, while I was watching the scenery is being cold water on it. Originally all in a water fight! I also not to be outdone, also play the water wars, everyone no matter know all splashed to on to each other, the cave echoed with our laughter...

Suddenly, in front of a boat out of the shortcut. Slowly, the crowd to evacuate, our boat slip out, I also coming ashore from the boat down to the water to go swimming.

On shore, I also don't forget to read the war. Think of my happy journey, he couldn't help laughing. This is my summer vacation journey of happiness, you think fun?


i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year。 i liked green plants, clear rivers lovely amimals there。i breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes i went swimming in the river。 i kept a diary every day。

i liked not the scene of the countryside, 8ttt8。comalso the people there。 i helped them to do farm work。 i also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons。 the children were interested in english。 they were good at reading writing, 8ttt8。comdid not do well in listening speaking。 i helped them improve their listening speaking。 their parents thought highly of me。 i realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside。

an unforgettable thing during summer vacation

it was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents。so i took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too。

in the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind。

in a word,today is a unforgetive day。because i saw my relatives helped people。


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