

首页写景更新时间:2023-04-24 13:12:57



At present, for the sake of the safety of students, we cant go to school without gathering together. Its the longest winter vacation in history. For our study, the teacher tutored us live online.


In order to deal with the epidemic, all provinces and regions across the country launched a live action of "no suspension of classes" for teachers, and many educational institutions launched various learning software. Famous teachers online free teaching, help students learn, online tutoring.


Because of the live broadcast of online classes, teachers in various provinces have different arguments. Hunan Nezha said to most students that the teaching effect of online courses is not guaranteed at all. Why does this formalism exist I think Hunan teachers are right. In the online class, some students who love learning can insist on the online class, but some students who are not self disciplined can do what they should do when they open the live broadcast. So online classes dont necessarily get learning results.


Personally, I dont think the online class has any learning effect. The online class and the teachers live online tutoring for each student have a large number of students, but the teacher cant take everyone into consideration. Everyones problems are different, so we can only focus on them. A person in the room to study, not in the school classroom learning atmosphere. The schedule is chaotic. Stay up late, go to bed late, and reserve multiple alarm clocks. Get up in the morning, punch in and go to sleep. Teachers cant teach online lessons face to face, many students are perfunctory. The lack of interaction between teachers and students may benefit those who are good at learning, but for those who are tired of learning, there is no effect in learning. Teachers need to teach face-to-face and supervise learning face to face.


Internet class is inconvenient for poor families. It is possible to always disconnect from the Internet. If there is a family with a large population, it is possible for children to use Internet cards in Internet class. Living in the countryside, some students who dont have a good signal are also in trouble. They cant have a good online class. There is no cell phone for the students in primary school. If parents want to go out to work, they cant learn at all.


Students focus is not on live broadcast. Facing the temptation of QQ, wechat, games and TV, many students are hard to resist the temptation and have no energy to focus on online classes. Teachers also dont know what students are doing. There are too many students, some of whom are sleeping while taking lessons on the Internet. Or mobile Internet class, while students are watching TV. The mobile phone computer TV has certain influence on the eyesight, but it is not good for the eyes.


So I dont think that online classes can achieve the effect of teaching and learning by teachers, and some students cant adapt to online learning. Learning has not been improved. But in this special period, we can only learn online now. In any case, I hope that all the students will take online classes seriously and learn a little bit. I hope that the school notice will come earlier and start to miss the days of studying in the classroom.





窗外“噼里啪啦”,那是春节的警钟,向所有的人们宣告“过年了!”,当然了,过年时烟花是必不可少的,他们是天空的装饰品。点燃烟花筒,只听“轰隆”的一声巨响,信号发出,只见无数明亮而又璀璨的明星飞过天际,一朵朵美丽的莲花在空中展开了花瓣,也有的像一串串的珍珠,一条条瀑布,让我不禁想起青莲居士的名句“疑是银河落九天”,然人感到目不暇接。一声声响亮的爆竹声,一朵朵光芒四射、灿烂无比的烟花,在天空中飞舞,各式各样,五光十色,把天空点缀成一朵鲜花, 夜空顿时变得光彩夺目。此时的场面,被笑声、鞭炮声、喊声、乐曲声合成的旋律包围着,真是热闹极了。









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