

首页写景更新时间:2023-11-15 08:52:29


Today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment.

We can see from the news that when the holiday comes, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. People like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike. On my opinion, the best way to travel is by train.

First, it is very cheap. Compare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money.

Besides, taking the train is much safer.

People don’t have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. Second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train.

Though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to Tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. Taking the train is the best way to travel.



The Best Way of Traveling最好的旅游方式

People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. For me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.人们去旅游有的乘飞机、有的坐火车、坐船、乘公共汽车。对我来说在暑假,最好的方式是徒步旅行。

My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus.我的偏好取决于旅行的目的.。在暑假我旅游是为了消除疲劳并欣赏乡村美景。当我沿着河流或在群山之间走在一条青草覆盖的路上时,我觉得我远离了城市的喧嚣、亲近了自然。徒步旅行,使我很自由。我可以自己安排行程。可以选择我自己的路线。我可以把车子停在我喜欢的地方。而且我可以遇到那些坐火车或公共汽车会错过的人和事。

When faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.当更迅速、更方便的方式使旅游变得更便捷,我仍然热衷于徒步旅行。我从中得到许多乐趣。人们去旅游有的乘飞机、有的坐火车、坐船、乘公共汽车。对我来说在暑假,最好的方式是徒步旅行。


1、preference v.偏爱;倾向;优先权

e.g. I don't know your preferences, so please help yourself.

2、refresh v.使……恢复;使……清新;消除……的疲劳

e.g. I refresh myself with a cup of coffee.

3、detach v.分离;派遣 ;分开

e.g. A number of soldiers were detached to guard the building .

4、available adj. 有效的;可得的;可利用的;空闲的

e.g. The only time available is Friday.

5、convenient adj. 方便的

e.g. It is quite convenient for customers.


这个春天的气温很反常,山坡上的芊芊 细草早早地就成了一片密密的厚发,林带上的 淡淡绿烟已凝成了一堵黛色的长墙。春天的灵 秀之气经过时间的积蓄,已酿成了一种磅礴之 势,在田野上滚动,在天地间升腾,春天早到 了!

“星期四学校要组织六年级的同学去野炊”。同学们一听到这个消息,激动不已。今天是星期三,离野炊还差一天,但有些同学就 等不及了,忙着分配着餐具、蔬菜由谁带?有 的同学议论着怎样玩才开心,还有的同学想着 明天该做些什么,教室里就像是一片欢乐的海洋。

星期四上午8点左右,六年级的同学们 都到齐了,在操场上集合。大队辅导员詹红老 师一声令下,我们就出发了。一路上,大家互 相帮助,尽管大家手中的餐具很沉,但可以看 得出同学们的兴趣却丝毫没有减退,。大约过了一个多小时,我们就到达了野炊目的地——一个 不知名的、十分空旷的地方。

这个地方面积比较大,大家有的在这里 挖一个灶,有的在那里搭一口锅,忙得不亦乐乎。由于我们这个小组的同学经验不足,连灶 也不会挖,看着别的小组挖灶的熟练动作,我 们真羡慕。幸亏孙老师过来帮助我们了,大家 都目不转睛地看着老师,挖好了灶,很快就生 燃了火。

接下来是瞧瞧我们自己做拿手好菜了 。第一个献艺的同学是艾依,只见她把少许的 猪油放进锅里,等锅里的油烧热。组员王雅菲 在灶旁打下手,添柴、加木条。锅中的油完全 烧热了,艾依又把她从家里带来切好的火腿肠 和黄瓜倒进锅里,不时用锅铲翻动,菜差不多 快熟了,王雅菲用勺子舀了一些盐和调料放进 菜中,麻利地将菜中的调料翻均匀,王雅菲又 加了一些水,不多一会儿,一盘香喷喷的黄瓜 炒火腿肠就成功了。李清洁又炒了一盘土豆, 曾婧仪又炒了蛋,最后,我还烧了一个紫菜蕃 茄汤。

“开饭了!”随着一声令人期待的吆喝 ,大家一窝蜂似的跑到“餐桌”边,餐具已经 摆好了。我品尝着艾依炒的黄瓜炒火腿肠和其 它同学的“杰作”,还真有点儿厨师的手艺。 再看看其它同学,也都吃得津津有味。

这次野炊真令我高兴,不仅锻炼了我们 的动手能力,还使我品尝到了劳动的欢乐。










i went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. they are beijing, dalian and huhehot. i went to beijing more than eight times. beijing is the capital of china. it’s a big city. i am very familiar with beijing. it takes an hour and forty minutes from nantong to beijing by plane. there are many tall buildings in beijing. it’s a modern city. my family visited the great wall, the summer palace, the palace museum, the beihai park, the space museum, etc.

i went to the countryside of beijing to go boating and fishing. it was very interesting. i went shopping in wangfujing. i bought lots of souvenirs and other things. i like eating beijing snacks. they are delicious. don’t miss beijing duck. it is really nice. dalian is a beautiful city. dalian is close to beijing. i spent 5o minutes on the plane. dalian is near the sea. i smelled the salt in the air. the roads are clean. there are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. there are many esplanades and japanese buildings. there are some fountains in one of the esplanades. some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. we went to see the beach and the sea. the sea is blue. there were many swimmers in the sea. i lay on the beach to see the sky. dalian is a very nice place to live in. huhehot is in inner mongol. there are lots of large grasslands. the grasslands are endless. the sky is bright blue. there were a lot of horses and sheep. they were running or eating grass. i rode a horse on the grassland.

i picked some colourful flowers. we drank tea with milk. there is a small desert, it was very hot when i walked on it. the sand could sing. these trips helped me open my eyes. i enjoyed my day.








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