

首页写景更新时间:2023-05-01 21:32:28


Welcome to visit wonderful Hong Kong. Hong Kong has a lot of buildings and botanical gardern.Hong Kong somewhere near the sea. You can do lots of outdoor activities. It supposed to be very hot. You can swimming, you can go camping. We can provide you with a tent.

Traveling around Hong Kong by subway can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient to by bus to most places.

It has a big shopping center. You can buy lots of things. It’s fantastic! Let’s go.

Welcome to Hong kong! I am your guide in Hong kong and my name is Wang ping. As we know, Hongkong was once a British colony and on July 1,1997,it smoothly came back to China.

Hongkong is in the south of China, and her neighbor is Shenzhen. She is made up of 236 large and small islands. We can visit many resorts here, such as Disneyland, the Ocean Park and the Wong Tai Sin Temple and so on. You are sure to have a good time.


I walked down my street with my dad. The sun shone on Mrs. Stokes, watering her potted plants. 我和爸爸沿着我们的街道走,太阳照到了斯托克斯太太身上,她正给她的盆栽植物浇水。

“Hello, Mrs. Stokes,” I called loudly. “I’ll water those plants for you.” “你好,斯托克斯太太!”我大声喊,“我来给您浇花吧。”

Mrs. Stokes smiled. I watered her potted plant. My dad pulled out some weeds. People like to help each other on our street. 斯托斯太太微笑了,我给她的盆栽植物浇了水,爸爸把一些杂草拔了出来。这条街道上,人们很乐意帮助他人。

I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on Hope and her mom. They were singing for the people who went by. 我跟我爸爸继续走着。太阳照到了浩波和她妈妈身上,她们正为路过的`人们唱歌。

We liked their songs. My dad dropped some money in a hat beside them. Hope smiled. 我们喜欢她们的歌。爸爸在她们旁边的一顶帽子里面放了点钱,浩波微笑了。

I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on a man and his brown dog. The dog wagged its tail. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在一位男人和他的棕色狗身上。狗摇着尾巴。

“Can I take Arthur for a walk for you, Mr. Rose?” I asked. “罗丝先生,我帮您把亚瑟带出去遛一遛,行吗?”我问。

“Thank you,” he said. “I’ll have a rest.” “谢谢你,”他说,“我打算休息一会儿。

” I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on the buds bursting on the trees. I was happy. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在树上蓦然生出的嫩芽上,我很喜欢。

Mrs. Stoke’s plants were watered. Hope and her mom were singing for the people who went by. Mr. Rose was resting. 斯托克斯太太的植物已经把水浇过了。浩波和她妈妈在为从那儿经过的人们唱歌。罗丝先生正在那儿休息。

I was going to the city park to play with dad and Arthur. I love where I live. 我跟爸爸正要到城市公园去和亚瑟玩。我爱我居住的地方。


Welcome to visit wonderful Hong Kong. Hong Kong has a lot of buildings and botanical gardern.Hong Kong somewhere near the sea. You can do lots of outdoor activities. It supposed to be very hot. You can swimming, you can go camping. We can provide you with a tent.

Traveling around Hong Kong by subway can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient to by bus to most places.

It has a big shopping center. You can buy lots of things. It’s fantastic! Let’s go.

Welcome to Hong kong! I am your guide in Hong kong and my name is Wang ping. As we know, Hongkong was once a British colony and on July 1,1997,it smoothly came back to China.

Hongkong is in the south of China, and her neighbor is Shenzhen. She is made up of 236 large and small islands. We can visit many resorts here, such as Disneyland, the Ocean Park and the Wong Tai Sin Temple and so on. You are sure to have a good time.


On the stroke of midnight, as July 1st, 1997 begins, the exciting moment is coming -- Hong Kong will return. Now the whole nation is in jubilation. All my family sat in front of TV to watch the Hong Kong handover ceremony. Seeing the Chinese national flag rising and Chinese president making a speech, I was deeply moved.

As is well known, Hong Kong was originally a part of China in history.After the Opium War, the British imperialists stole it from the corrupt Qing government and made it a colony of Britain. But from now on Hong Kong will no longer be a colony but "a Special Administrative Region" (SAR of the People's Republic of China. Its return owes to our powerful country.She is becoming politically and economically powerful day by day. I'm determined to study hard and make contributions to our country's development in the future.





逛了一圈后,我们就开始真正的行动了。我们首先选的是迪斯尼乐园内最刺激的室内过山车——飞越太空山。排了将近一小时的队伍,我们终于坐上了这刺激的列车,型时缓慢地开,渐渐地越来越快,最后我感觉是像飞一股的速度了,时而360度的急转弯,时而来一个刺激的下坡,旅客们的尖叫声也不时地变换调子。 终于到站了,我长长地嘘了一口气下了过山车。啊,我觉得头昏脑涨,脚也发软,好像走不动路了。妈妈赶紧问我身体有没有不舒服,我结结巴巴地说了句:“真刺激……真爽啊!”




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