

首页写景更新时间:2023-05-03 18:45:13


I like the carefree life in the countryside, the peaceful field road, roadside farm courtyard, a flowing stream... All is not desirable.

The morning the sunrise, singing yet, will the people wake up, sleep has injected new vitality for them, hard-working farmers began to a day of activities. Occasionally, walk the path in the field, there are a few root of wheat quietly into his trousers, slight shaking, like a naughty ground say "hello" with me. Wayside brook, there are a few small tadpoles swam in merry, a few dragonfly flying through the surface, rapid fly to the sky, with one, happy and comfortable. Then, several children run from the front of the past, what are they doing? Oh, the original is chasing the dragonfly. In the blink of an eye, they are submerged in the dense grain, but the scream of joy still legible.

At noon, yellow pink sunflower blossoms against the midday sun. Sitting in the yard of a peasant, listening to the cicadas on the buttonwood tree birds, occasionally there will be a flower cat through the legs. At this time, walk the crook, will feel at ease and pleasure.

Evening, on that day a small hillside, a dwarf tree, is a layer of golden rays of the sun on the plating, seems to be a picture of a frozen xieyi painting, a beautiful memories. In the last fading light in that moment, everything in the world and becomes quiet, birds don't call the dog bark, even forget the old cow is eating grass, quietly staring at the direction of the setting sun...

Rural night, the stars in the sky like the people of the earth, and the number is countless. At this point, lying in a rocking chair and looked at the bright sky, felt at ease. Quiet comfortable night, overworked of a day of men in blast a cry, the exhaustion of the end of the day, sweet to sleep.

What a beautiful country life! So intoxicating, so desirable! I pursue the country life is full of poetic!








I like busy, busy city, I prefer quiet, leisurely countryside.

When the weather is fine, walk path in countryside, the distant mountains like the green barrier, isolates the hustle and bustle of the city. Roadside piece dignified standing forest of pine trees, like the army of the discipline in a head of inspection. In the sun, the flowers bloom smile, green leaves of green, bees are busy mining, butterfly dance. Kids of cattle lying on the grass on the side of the road to read with relish, not far from the tame cows eat grass in bend both ends.

Peasant madadayo smoke from kitchen chimneys, above the house the children in the bamboo forest is cut down a pieces of bamboo as a weapon, ready to back down the man smoking a cigarette in bamboo chair in front of the yard, quietly watching running around foraging in a crowd. "Eat", the mistress of a summons, everyone sitting around the hearth, watched stewed up with skin and preserved pig feet, red pepper Fried turnip, homemade sweet bean curd, cold fold son root.

The beautiful rural scenery, the quiet life of the country just like tao yuanming's shangri-la, deeply attracted me.












比如举个例子吧:十年前,我家在乡村时,奶奶是个“老顽固”。当时我年幼无知,经常看见奶奶屈膝跪在地上,手中拿着三支香,对面的桌子上放有一个瓷佛像,奶奶一次又一次地弯腰,口中还念念有词。我很好奇,以为佛像会那么神通广大,能呼风唤雨,能使奶奶这样做。便把它拿过来,上上下下瞧个清楚。奶奶直起腰看见我在玩弄她的“心肝宝贝”佛像,急得不得了,赶紧抢过佛像,对我大发雷霆。好一顿的“狂轰乱炸”,把我轰得“体无完肤”。我气得要命:不就一个佛像吗,有啥了不起的。可奶奶却还喋喋不休地讲着,说什么弄坏佛像会遭到佛的报复……我可不管那一套诡计,依蓝我行我素。好几天过去了,我还完好无损的,不禁怀疑起那个佛像来…… 可十年后,奶奶变了,变得懂事多了。我笑着问奶奶:“为什么不再去求佛像呢?那儿可很灵呢。”奶奶笑了:“求不求佛都一样嘛,反正有人寿保险,怕什么。”我一下子跳了起来:“奶奶变了,奶奶变聪明了,耶。” 大部分人虽然都说城市好,但是乡村也不赖:城市虽然热闹,可躁音很大,无法入睡;乡村空气新鲜,并且地方幽静;城市人整天一直忙;可乡村人时而工作,时而轻松……素我直言,乡村与城市的好坏正好互相补充,应该把两个地方的优点融合在一起,正好和人心意。 但愿如此能成为现实!


One Sunday my mother (Mother had (made me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling at us and heard the birds sing (singing their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful.

When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother wait (waiting for us at the door.






While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful)。

When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.





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