

首页写景更新时间:2023-12-16 10:20:06






只见比赛的教室里一片肃静,我们这些参赛选手各就各位后比赛就开始了。大家一个一个地表演,有的显示出了自己的风采,也有部分同学因紧张而发挥不出真正的成绩。“下面是Aa147号同学。”裁判员点到。我小小步地来到教室中央。“Good afternoon,evebody."刚说完,我就紧张得忘记了下一句,好一会儿才想起来。看着裁判员那一脸的微笑,我那悬着的心渐渐平静了下来。用较流利的英语讲起了故事。刚讲到一半,突然忘记了下一句,好久才想起来。这时,讲到了我平时最不熟的一句就停下了,心里“咚咚咚”地跳个不停,我确实记不起下一句是什么。我紧张地看着裁判们,他们都面带着微笑,但是任我怎样使劲地想,脑子里就是一片空白。这时,只见裁判脸一沉,说了声“唱歌吧。”我的心也随之沉了下来,这无疑是给我判了刑。但我一向是要强的人,还是高声唱起了英文歌。接下来,大家又一个个上台表演了。



I recently read the long-admired "childhood in my college," a novel by Soviet writer gorky's most famous autobiographical trilogy.

This book mainly describes the difficult life experience of gorky himself in childhood, youth and youth. He was born at the age of four and lost his father at the age of four. His childhood was spent in his grandfather's house, and his grandfather often beat him. He is often ridiculed by others, but he does not let go, he does not complain, he is not sad, but he is willing to forge ahead with an enterprising heart. He had to sell his beloved book and leave the school class to buy medicine for his kindly grandmother. At the age of eleven, his mother died, and he became an orphan. In order to make a living, alisha was forced to enter the world. He had been a shoe-store boy, had been a baby-sitter, had been a dishwasher on a ship, had worked as a handyman in the holy works. He had done what the boss had done to him, and he had seen so many ugly things around him. But I'm glad that none of this has intimidated alisher, making him a stronger, braver, more upright person. Under the very miserable conditions of his life, he still loved literature and often went hungry and kept reading. He didn't get originally want to go to college, but I learned a lot in university of "social" famous university less than knowledge, broadened horizons, raise the consciousness, finally grow up to be a revolutionary intellectuals.

I admire the indomitable spirit of alyosha and admire the spirit of literature. Children also feel ashamed at the same time, we now have the care of their parents and teachers to teach, but due to lack of "wind and rain baptism," many of our classmates a little difficulty in learning life at ordinary times can be difficult to deal with. At the same time, many of us have good learning conditions, but we don't want to study hard. At the moment, I know what we should cherish this moment is perfect life, cherish this moment a good study time, following the example of golgi, strong and optimistic, strive forward, after be brought up.


This book tells five famous fairy tales.Today,I will mainly introduce the story,The White Birds,written by Hans Anderson.

There is a king with ten sons and one daughter.Their mother died when the daughter,Elisa,was born.Then the king married with another woman.But she is a bad and jealous woman.She changes the boys in to ten white birds.Elisa makes the coats of gold flowers to help them.Finally she succeeds,her brothers change bake to people,and she married with a king.


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