

首页写景更新时间:2023-12-16 10:23:18


















一个漫长的寒假已过去,迎来的是一个美好的春天,我们又重新回到美丽的校园,开始了新一学期的征途。在过去的旅途中,无论你是否拥有过欢笑,拥有个阳光,这都已成为永远的记忆,加上一把锁将它封闭起来吧!摆在我们面前的一切都是新的,你看见了吗?新的生命正在破土而出.很多人都有自己的目标,目标可以不同,但是绝对不能没有,更重要的是有了目标后,我们一定要为此付诸行动,全力以赴,这些没有必要拿张纸唰唰大笔抹几下,但是在你的头脑中一定得有个奋斗目标,有个全套打算,没有目标就是没有终点,一个连自己终点,都不知在哪里的人,将如何完成这段旅程,当然这一路不会是一帆风顺,它总会有让你黯然流泪的时候,不过阴天之后总会是晴天的,那么,我们需要一步一个脚印,踏踏实实地做学问 ,书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。让我们共同探索未知世界,向着自己的目标,奋力前进!


对于我们中学生来说 写一篇好的 画一幅美丽的图画 唱一支动人的歌曲 打一场漂亮的球赛 都是我们中学征途中的一次次成功。成功中是我们的喜悦,成功背后是我们辛勤的汗水,没有耕耘就哪有收获 没有付出哪有所得。因此,对于即将升入高中的我们,更应该好好珍惜这段宝贵的时光充实自己,把自己的理想变为势不可当的动力!同学们 让我们扬起理想的风帆 在绚丽多彩的中学航行中 也许会有坎坷 艰险 但我我坚信 在我们敬爱的老师的指挥和操纵下 我们一定会战胜一切困难 避过所有的浅滩 到达成功的彼岸! 我们即将充满激情,踏上征途,未来是我们的!


Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.

















一年级,上学是种好奇;二年级,上学是种体验;三年级,上学是种欣慰;四年级,上学是种快乐;五年级,上学是种希望。而今天,这个进入毕业班的第一天,又是种什么呢?不是好奇,不是体验,不是欣慰,也不是快乐和希望,是那种渴望知识的感觉!是的,六年级,这个对于小学生来说,是个多么可怕的三个字,因为升入六年级,就意味着要离去,离开这个生活了六年的“家”!但是,我们还是来到了,来到了这个冷瑟的“国度”。所以,我们必须努力,努力再离开这儿时还能有一种欣慰的表情:因为我付出了,对于母校哺育我的一切,我可以补偿了!新的学期,是我们六年级关键的年。在这一年里,我要百尺竿头,更进一步。首先,上课的时候,我要认真听讲,不做小动作,不和同学交头接耳,要力争把老师课堂上讲的知识全部消化;对于疑难问题,要不耻下问,先举手,后发言,虚心向老师和同学请教。 其次,要认真完成老师布置的所有作业,做到一丝不苟。课堂作业,当堂完成;课后作业和家庭作业,也要按时独立完成。 第三,要做好语文课的课前预习。对于预习的课文,最少要出声朗读三遍,对于不认识的字、词、成语,要先查字典,把它认会,懂得意思;要学会给课文分段,用最简短的语言写出每段的段落大意,然后总结出课文的中心思想;对于每篇课文的课后题,要先试着去做;对于课文和课后题,不理解和不会做的地方,要先把它在书上划下来或记下来,第二天上课时带着问题去听讲,还可以在课堂上向老师请教。 第四,要尊敬老师,团结同学,热爱劳动,热爱班级,自觉遵守学校和班级的各项规章制度。在新的学期,保证不和同学打架。热爱体育锻炼,保证自己有一个强健的身体。第五,要利用星期天和节假日,继续参加社会培训,多读课外书,不断丰富自己的知识。收回被假期冲得散漫的心,认真落实学习计划,端正学习态度,实现学习目标,争取在今后的各项检测中取得成功。用辛勤的汗水填充今后的生活!



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money -it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.


As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



This is my first week in ** Senior Middle School.Everything here is new for me.Our school is an old school but it`s very beautiful.I have 50 new classmates in my class.They`re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little sad.Because I`m too common.But come to think of it,it`s a very good thing.I believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent classmates.I didn`t know why Ms *** chose me to be the committee of study.But I know it`s a good chance for me to raise my ability.All I can do is do my best in the future.I am sure that Ms *** and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because they`re all very kind.It`s a pleasure to work and study with them.I`m really very happy.I`m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like others.I believe I won`t make anyone disappointed.


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