

首页写景更新时间:2023-11-10 20:09:34







It is a memory full of joy that we have 3 day off for labor’s day. To celebrate this short holiday, my uncle decided to take us to Yangmei ancient town to have a visit.

The road to the town is really painful. We waited for about 4 hours to board the ship. The mosquito on the road made my little cousin cry all the time. I felt just like it was the worst day in my life. Our car was in the end of line, and the start of the line was unknown. They said there was only one ship that only brings 8 cars at a time. I considered going home but I really wanted to have a look at that ancient town, so we waited. Thank god. The endless waiting did have an end. We arrived Yangmei at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

The town is really amazing. Modern architectural design seems no effect the buildings there. People there still live in the house make of woods and black brick. They grow plants in the house. In the hall, it is evergreen, means the family is like the plant never decays. In the front door are some flowers with bright color, or a tree with age. The family tree is on the wall. We can see the beginning of their family was Ming Dynasty. One of the restaurants there impressed me. The restaurant is an ancient house of a big and rich family. The house is old with a bed where people lay and did some reading in the old times. The most interesting thing was that there are two red bridal sedan chairs in the front door. They are telling the love and marriage in the old days. The house also has an attic. Water flows through the tube on the left side of it.

A river runs through this town, and the water is clean. We chose a riverside restaurant to have our lunch. The food there was wonderful. We had a good time there. Despite the traffic jams. Yangmei is really a good place to visit. I hope I can visit there again when all the roads and ships are ready for cars.


的确,这种事情随处可见,例如:上下车门不管,孕妇站着不理,老幼座位强占。这些现象都是生活中普遍存在的。现在,我们一起讨论一下这幅〈〈假文盲〉〉吧! 车站旁有个母子乘车处,并且立有牌子。一对瘦小的`母子站在母子乘车处,等待车子的来到。不过,四个强壮的老爷们儿装作“假文盲”,硬是把那对母子挤出了母子乘车处。 我看了这幅图,首先觉得四位强壮的男子不应该以大欺小这样的人就应该去再去受一次教育,就应该再去读读〈〈道德行为规范〉〉。而且,他们还装做假文盲,故意的去霸占母子乘车处,要第一个上车,这样的不道德行为就应该严厉的批评与制止。第二,我觉得那位女同志应该有道德去反驳,去争对错。既然那些人的行为不正确,不道德,你有理,就可以赢得这场生活中的官司,俗话说的好,“有理辩天下”嘛!第三,如果我当时在场,就一定会制止假文盲的行为。




就让我们像这首石说的一样,今天少个假文盲 ,明天多个好公民。


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