

首页写景更新时间:2023-12-14 12:00:53






The start of this year's first class show strong,unusually brilliant.China's first female astronaut liu Yang first appeared as a guest speaker,she spoke about full of poetry,vivid tells the story of the beauty of the space,the beauty of the earth,at the same time also tells the story after she returned to the earth the beauty of human nature,tender feeling and touching.

Said liu himself in the space,more was shocked by the beauty of the earth,"this generation inhabit our planet,in the boundless universe should appear so magnificent,so dazzling,she segmental arc edge is visible,covered with a layer of blue and white halo,sunlight cast in the sea deep shallow blue,vein and clear,clear long coastline.The earth is so beautiful,exquisite planet,in a dark universe,quietly coruscate gives a dreamy,blue light,like a Mosaic on the black velvet of the sapphire,it is a kind of beyond the beauty of language.It is my home,where are my dearest friends and family,at that moment,I was so far away from the earth,but it is so close to".

Liu Yang can't wait to return to the bosom of the earth in space,"after such a trip to space,saw the smallness of the earth,to better understand the earth's greatest; left earth,and realize the dependence on the planet is infinite,infinite love.I love the sunshine here,love the fresh air here,love the pure water here,love the rivers and lakes here,love the mountains,plains,love live here diverse species,love living here we human beings".

The most beautiful,brought color to our life,warm every hurt heart,healing,gives people hope,the future and courage,they are the most beautiful,is also the most lovely!


The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings。 The passage of time can always give people some special things。

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited。 Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains。 In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true。 I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them。 The process of learning is also a growing process。

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties。 I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life。 However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years。



那只是诗中画中的乡村,当我们真实的走进乡村,用心去感知乡村,便会发现,我们的乡村在经历着苦痛。那里也有阳光,那阳光不是温暖而是毒辣地炙烤着这片土地。远望去,土地上那个佝偻的背影,在朝夕间,在春秋中,在这片土地上耗尽心力。他在这片土地上成长,他的汗水滋养了这片土地;他在这片土地上学会坚强,他的脚步坚实了这片土地;他生于黄土又归于黄土,世世代代,生生不息。风暴来了,他的心如那田间摇曳的庄稼般颤动,他的泪水在他满是沟壑的脸颊上纵横,如那淹没田间的水,层层漫过他的心田,浸没他的呼息。干旱来了,庄稼如他枯瘦的身体一般摇坠,他看不到希望,看不到丰收,他混沌的眼干涸空洞。 他们也有快乐的时候,只是这种幸福仿佛如此卑微。他们最大的幸福就是丰收,饱满的谷粒仿佛是一粒粒珠宝,他们的眼角笑成了月牙。他们最渴望的生活便是风调雨顺,他们只想也只要这样平凡的生活。








中午,我和弟弟决定露一手给爸爸妈妈看,亲手来做几道香甜可口的小菜。第一道菜是“芹菜炒虾仁”。做法如下:1、将芹菜摘去叶,根,洗净拍扁,切小段;2。 虾仁洗净;3。 起油锅,先下虾仁炒至半熟铲起,再起油锅炒芹菜至半熟,放虾仁同炒,下盐调味,炒熟即可。第二道菜是“蕃茄炒蛋”,先准备原料:两个中等大小的番茄,两个鸡蛋、小葱、油、盐、糖、鸡精。做法:1、番茄切片,鸡蛋在碗中打散,小葱切葱花,待用。2、点火上锅,等油有六、七成热的时候把鸡蛋倒进去,倒进去就用锅铲搅碎。3、稍微炒几下就放番茄,之后加一勺盐,炒几下,再加半勺糖,再炒几下。到炒出红色汁的时候加一点鸡精。4、关火。将葱花撒在上面就可以出锅啦!在妈妈的指导下,我和陈熠锴分工负责,齐心协力,终于获得了属于我们的劳动成果。妈妈分别尝了两道菜后,表扬我们说:“菜做得很不错,色香味俱全。但还需要把握好火候以及调料。”



"Treasure ink garden" this name is how to come, I asked my father and mother, but they are not too clear, so I found the Internet to treasure the edge of the ink garden. The package at temple was built in the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing years, is enshrined in the light Song Ming Chen, Bao Zheng. There is a flood in the Xijiang River, there is a black wood drifting to the village, they put it back in the river, who knows the downstream water, the wood back to the village. When this happens again and again, people find it very strange and consecrate the black wood. Jiaqing four years the court to exterminate the corrupt He Shen, the society set off anti-corruption of the wind. As a result, people naturally want to get like that to clean Bao governance officials. Put the wood carved like BaoQingTian, build package at. The package at baomo garden predecessor.

There are many baomo garden Koi, we bought a bag of feed into a koi, the door to see there are many Koi under the bridge. We stand on the side of the bridge into the water with a feed, some from our past news Koi wags its tail to swim over, see here are also other Koi feed the gathering in crowds and groups swam, their mouths, tail slapping the water, as if eager to feed them we'll plant more points, very energetic.

Go down as if you are in the ancient garden, everywhere south of the Five Ridges classical architecture, bridges, will reveal pavilions, terraces and open halls, the heritage of Chinese culture, which baomo garden there are many precious cultural relics, there are many different periods of jade collection, calligraphy and painting etc.



回到家里,我拿起一条红领巾蒙住了自己的眼睛,顿时眼前一片漆黑,什么也看不见了,我的盲人生活就这样开始了。我先去书房做作业,我东摸摸,西摸摸,磕磕碰碰的好不容易摸到书房,就在这时,随着“咣”的一声响,我“哇”的.一声惨叫起来,我解开红领巾一看,原来我撞到了书桌,还碰倒了书桌上的笔筒。痛得我眼泪都快流了下来。休息了几分钟,我又蒙起眼睛坐在书桌前开始写作业,可因为看不见,结果写出来的字是歪歪扭扭,非常的好笑,有的写在了上面,有的写在了下面,有的还写在了刚才写过的地方。这时,妈妈在餐厅里喊我吃饭,平常一听到叫吃饭,我是立马冲过去,可是今天我是个盲人,只好耐着性子,扶着墙壁一步一步小心地摸索着走,生怕再撞到什么东西。终于到了餐厅,摸到了一张椅子坐了下来, 只听见爸爸在对妈妈说:“今天的油爆虾味道真不错”。也不知爸爸是不是在故意刺激我,油爆虾可是我的最爱,我一听馋得口水都快流下来了,可是因为蒙着眼睛,不知道菜在哪里,我只好拿着筷子在盘子里捣来捣去,捣了半天好不容易夹住了一个东西放进嘴中,“哇,好难吃!”我立刻吐了出来并叫了起来,原来我夹到了一块我最不爱吃的慈菇。我一下子恼羞成怒,一把扯下眼睛上的红领巾,气呼呼地大叫:“不当了,不当了,当盲人太辛苦,我一分钟也不想当盲人了!”




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