

首页写景更新时间:2023-11-22 05:49:09



Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.


The comic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the bogies. He is unsociable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always tease him because he has a special ability. Although he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and without complaint at anyone. Eventually he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high school. One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is Ban. And that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relics--a contract that sigh with the bogies. Since then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he die. But before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get free. Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.


In addition, yuki midorikawa has another special work called Yinghuozhisen is also really moving ,sad and beautiful. I suggest that you all can watch it when you have free time.



"Bellingham Christian School has decided to cancel school due to good weather," said Mr Samson in the letter to parents.萨姆森先生在信中对家长说:“由于难得的好天气,贝灵汉基督学校决定停课一天。”

Bellingham Christian School, in Washington state, sent letters to parents informing them their children's classes were cancelled so students and staff could enjoy a "sun day".位于华盛顿州的贝灵汉基督学校写信通知学生家长,他们孩子的课被取消了,学生和全体教职人员都可以享受“天气晴好的一天”。

Principal of the school, Bob Samson, said cancelling a day of school for nice weather was a good move and was an effort to "promote positive school culture".鲍勃-萨姆森学校的校长解释道,学校在难得的好天气取消一天的`课程是一个很好的决定,并将有助于“推广积极的校园文化”。

"Typically we cancel school for bad weather, so why not have some fun and cancel school due to fabulous weather?" added the principal.“通常我们会因为恶劣的天气而停课,那么为什么我们不能在难得这么棒的天气里取消课程尽情享受呢?” 校长又说道。

Located just outside Whatcom County's largest city, Bellingham Christian School did not cancel a single day of classes due to bad weather over the winter months.贝灵汉基督学校坐落在霍特科姆县中最大的城市郊区,在过去冬季的几个月,并没有因为恶劣的天气而取消一天的课程。

The Pacific-Northwest city is forecast to enjoy clear skies and temperatures up to 23 degrees Celsius over the coming days.在接下来几天,预计太平洋西北部城市天气将会放晴,气温将回升到23℃。

Catering for children aged 2 to 14, the non-denominational Christian school educates students from over forty regional churches in the Bellingham area.这个跨教派的基督学校里的学生多为2到14岁孩子,来自贝灵汉地区里超过40个区域性教会。

"There are so many heavy things that go on in our world, it's nice to celebrate, relax and share joy with many," said the principal.校长说:“在我们的世界中有很多沉重的事情在发生;我们庆祝、放松、与他人共享喜悦,将会使生活更美好。”



这天,我和妈妈一起去滨水公园游玩。刚到滨水公园,就看见门口有两根人造树干像士兵一样耸立在那里,一直坚守岗位,树的上面还有一个牌子,上面写着四个大字--滨水公园。进了大门,我就被一幅壁画吸引了,上面画的是跨父追日、女娲补天等神话,跨父迈着大步向前追赶着烈日;女娲伸出双手举着石头在补天…。我看着壁画,觉得他们不仅仅是神话人物,而且是我们生活中的举例。看完壁画,我们又看见了几个石像:有一个老爷爷在一边下棋一边扇着扇子,脸上还挂着灿烂又慈祥的笑容,好像下棋就要赢了似的;一个叔叔坐在长椅上,仰望天空,好像被天上那变化无常、千姿百态的云吸引住了一样;还有一个文静的女孩,坐在椅子上复习功课,真是爱学习的一个女孩…。.走着走着,不知不觉的来到了十二生肖的地方,十二生肖一个个生龙活虎,活灵活现,像真的一样:首先是老鼠,贼头贼脑的,在那东张西望,一开就知道是偷东西了;然后是忠厚老实的牛, 趴在那里仿佛等待着主人分配工作呢…那蛇张着大嘴,像是要把你吃掉;还有一只狗,在那左顾右盼,好像在它的主人。



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