

首页写景更新时间:2023-06-22 15:40:00



● 不要从头至尾使用一种句型。

● 长短句结合。


I think …

I hope…

He does it.

He will take it



Because he is very much determined, he will carry it out this time. (原因

比较:He is very much determined. He will carry it out this time.


The weather being fine, a large number of people went sightseeing.

比较:The weather is fine. A large number of people went sightseeing.

Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China.

比较:Africa is the second largest continent. Its size is about three times that of China.


To be or not to be, that is a question. (莎士比亚

To study or not to study, that is much different.(引申

To do it well, you must plan it well.

比较:You want to do it well. And you must plan it well.


Only when we fully recognize its importance can we have control of its essence.

比较:After we fully recognize its importance, we can have control of its essence.

No sooner had he arrived home than it began to rain.

比较:He arrived home. And it began to rain.


whether or not he will come is still unknown to all the people present.

比较:No one present knows whether he will come or not.

That he has done it all by himself is known to everyone.

比较:Everyone knows that he has done it all by himself.


●As a creature, every one knows.

●Actions speak louder than words.

●Practice makes perfect.


“我要坐公共汽车喽!我要做公共汽车喽!”我一边跑向公共汽车站,一边大喊着。跑到一半的时候,我突然发现过路的`行人都纷纷看着我,好像再说:“不就是做公共汽车么,至于那么高兴吗 ?”唉,你们是有所不知,这可是我第一次坐公共汽车,当然值得高兴!

今天中午吃饭的时候,妈妈对我说:“今天下午我和你爸爸都有事,你就到你姥姥家去吧!”“我自己去吗?”我问道。“嗯,你坐出租车去吧。”“不,你每次都带我坐出租车,我坐得头都晕 了。”我向妈妈申冤道。“那你就坐三轮车。”“我要坐公共汽车,人多,热闹些!”“你不嫌挤?”“不挤不挤,再说我还从来没有坐过呢!妈,你就让我坐一次呗!就一次!”我苦苦哀求道。妈妈 想了一会儿,说:“嗯,那好吧,你就坐公共汽车去吧!不过要注意安全啊!”“哦耶!我终于可以坐公共汽车了!”

这不,我坐公共汽车的机会还来之不易呀!“啊!公共汽车等我一下,等一下呀!”我边追赶边大声的叫喊。公共汽车听了下来,门也打开了,我高兴地跑了上去。刚一进门售票员阿姨就对我说道 :“小朋友请自觉投币。”我这才想起来,我还没付钱呢!我从兜里掏出一枚硬币,投了进去。我找了一个空位子坐了下来,悠闲地看着窗外,心想:坐公共汽车还真是好玩!公共汽车仍继续前进着, 我看见前方有很多人站在人行道上,还不停冲我们招手。到站了,我后面的一位叔叔站了起来。公共汽车果然停了,那位叔叔下了车,之后就有一群人挤上了车,其中也包括了一位老奶奶。大家纷纷投 了币,手脚利索的年轻人都霸占了位子,只剩那一位老奶奶找不到座位。好心的售票员阿姨说:“哪位好人给老奶奶让个座啊!”话音落了好一会儿,每一个人愿意让座,都跟没听见似的。我犹豫了一 会儿,还是站了起来,说:“奶奶,您坐我这儿吧!”老奶奶说:“谢谢小姑娘。”众人醉卧投来了赞许的目光,我有点不好意思,但同时我也很骄傲。因为,我帮助了别人。



What appearance is prospective car?You do not know!That le,it is like train of magnetism in suspension in sky travel.There is a guide in the car -- satellitic navigation system.The glass of the car can prevent ultraviolet ray,make the person\'s eye is not harmed.The car is to rely on to compress the reactive force that air releases to fill the car,rely on another compression again air is in a rear eduction,the car runs quickly to ahead like jet aircraft.Car rate of future is very rapid,one hour can run hundreds of kilometers,even thousands of kilometer.You let it open way of how many kilometer,want to say to the car only,the car can bade by yours go doing.Prospective car has a lot of advanced places:There is same thing in the car,can control the steering wheel of the car.

You should say where to go to only,it can take you automatically where to go to.It can operate steering wheel,need not you worry about.Reached that place,the car can stop automatically,next,can give out automatically \" toot toots \" sound,remind you to had arrived stood.Car shell of future is very beautiful.Whole car is yellow.But,you look carefully,there can be one to above discovery the horizontal line of multicoloured,match very equably.There is a thing in the car,can make the car has invisible effect.How!Prospective car is magical!Believe you like very much certainly!


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