

首页写景更新时间:2024-05-22 17:14:25


People often said: "The teacher is hard gardener, nurturing us; teachers like candles, burning their own, warm with us; teachers are spring, to the childrens minds into the knowledge of nectar." Think of this sentence, I think My class teacher Xue Mingqin teacher, she is my most admired a person.

Xue is rich in knowledge, like an encyclopedia. In class, she asked us to read, browse, and lead us in the ocean of knowledge, looking for the correct answer. She took the trouble to explain to us how to sentence, sentence, modify the sentence …… She takes knowledge as a spring and water in our hearts. Some classes do not understand the students, Xue teacher always patiently explain to them, until the students gradually solved the mystery.

Xue teacher lectures are very vivid, impressive, we often heard fascinated. In our fourth grade textbook, there is an article "July Tianshan", her voice that sounds, brought us into the beautiful Tianshan, we seem to see the towering snow peaks, melting snow, green primitive Forest, soft mountains, flowers……

Xue teacher taught a very set of essays, she said: "The text seems to see mountains do not like flat." She let me know the composition comes from life is higher than life, she found a lot of good articles, or students good writing let us enjoy. My composition is not very good, see the composition of a headache. Once I wrote an essay "lazy revelation", she felt very good, told me to get the school newspaper up submission. In her encouragement, I gradually have confidence in writing.

Suhomlinski said that a good teacher is a person who understands psychology and pedagogy. Xue teacher all things pass, I hit my heart to admire her.









There are many admirable people around us, such as our parents, teachers, polices and so on. But the people I admire most are cleaners. Cleaners work hard silently very day to keep our city clean and beautiful.

They get up early in host summer or cold winter when we are sleeping. They dont work for themselves only, but for us, for our city. Sometimes, we think they are dirty and we dont want to close to them.

Its not right. They clean our environment by their hard work.





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