

首页写景更新时间:2023-11-24 15:11:43


Dear Admission Committee:

Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply with her request.

I first got to know Miss Pan when she enrolled at university and I was the assistant director of her class at that time. Being a professor for several years, I noticed that due to the lack of self-learning ability, it is really challenging for students, even those performing excellent in senior school, to keep up with the college speed. However, as a diligent girl without any solid background in Computer Science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. At the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, while ranking 1st among the girls. I was fairly impressed by her self-learning technique and exceptional efforts. Hence, I believe, goal-oriented, not afraid of inchoateness and with persistence, she has the quality to make achievements.

What distinguished her among her classmates, I think, was that she went far beyond acquiring excellent scores in the exams and instead got her range of knowledge enlarged. In spring, 2006, Miss Pan took the course I taught named Algebraic Structures and Combinatorial Mathematics. This inquisitive and assiduous young woman was sometimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. I found that she understood the knowledge in depth and detail. Furthermore, I still remember during the spring vocation in May, due to the break-down of my mail box, I missed her mails to discussing some questions. But the following week during the course time, she asked me directly. Her zeal for knowledge and the spirit to explore answers really leave me a deep impression. Finally, she was among the few students who got almost full marks in every test in class which showed her exceeding grasp of every chapter. Thus, I gave her 98/100 for the excellent performance in my course.

In summary, I have every reason to believe that Miss. Pan will make outstanding performance at your university as a graduate. I would appreciate greatly if you give her a favorable consideration. Please feel free to contact me directly if more assistance is needed. Faithfully yours,

Wanling Qu, Professor

Department of Computer Science and technology Peking University

Email: qwku.edu.cn


My mother

My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall.She is 42 years old this year.She is a nurse,so she is always very busy day and night.But she loves her job,and she often takes care of her patients.Of course,she also likes singing,dancing,cooking and shopping,but she almost no time to do them.

Oh,I love my mother.




中国加入 WTO 后,有一大批外国人来我市——河源参观,英语(导游介绍我市情况)。假设你是导游,请根据以下内容,向外宾简单介绍我市的情况。

要求: 1. 100 词左右; 2. 要点包括: a. 有悠久的历史,位于广东的东北部,离广州 198 公里,人口约 324 万。 b. 有许多名胜古迹,如苏家围( Sujiawei );万绿湖( WanluLake )等等;万绿湖是一个很美丽的'地方,湖水清澈,无污染;湖中有各种各样的鱼;你可以到那里划船,野餐,钓鱼,是度假的好去处。你也可以去参观河源市博物馆,在那里你可以看到许多恐龙化石( fossil )。c. 祝大家在河源玩得愉快。


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Heyuan, now let me introduce our city — Heyuan to you.


( 2005 广东河源)


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Heyuan, now let me introduce our city — Heyuan to you. Heyuan is a city with a long history. It is in the northeast of Guangdong and 198 kilometres away from Guangzhou. It has a population of 3,240,000.

There are many places of interest in Heyuan, such as Sujiawei Wanlu Lake and so on. Wanlu Lake is a beautiful place. The water is clean and not polluted. There are all kinds of fish in it. You can go boating, go fishing and have a picnic there. It is really a good place to spend your holiday. Besides, you can go and visit Heyuan Museum. There you can see a lot of dinosaur egg fossils.

I hope you can enjoy yourselves in Heyuan.

Thank you.


早晨,我来到学校,一阵清香飘来,我一 看,原来是花台里的桃花开花了。 春天,桃花醒得最早。

桃树那又细又长赤褐色的枝杆上已经开 了许多桃花。远看,一片片粉红的桃花密密 层层的,像一片片晚霞。近看一朵桃花比一 朵桃花美:有的才展开两三片花瓣儿;有的 花瓣全展开了,露出了豆芽似的嫩黄的花蕊; 有的还是花骨朵儿,饱涨得马上要破裂似的。 树枝上还长着嫩绿的新叶,在春风中,绿 得闪光,绿得发亮。

才下过几阵蒙蒙的细雨,“秃头”的桃 树立刻冒出了圆球似的花骨朵儿,闭着眼做 着它的美梦。花骨朵儿渐渐长大,有的才展 开两三片花瓣儿,有的花瓣儿全展开了,露 出嫩黄的花蕊儿,有的还是花骨朵儿,看起 来饱胀得马上要破裂。远远望去,那沉甸甸、 粉红的桃树像天边的云霞,走去看,就像一 个个小孩张着嘴巴冲我笑呢!桃花的美丽引来了一个个小孩,就连蝴蝶、蜜蜂也飞来 “看热闹”了。它们一只一只的在花丛中穿 来穿去,翩翩起舞。

看着眼前的桃林,欣赏着满目桃花,我爱生机 勃勃的春天。

桃花开了,春姑娘迈着翩翩的舞步欢迎桃花加 入春天的怀抱。桃花,你把自己的美丽,芳香 毫无保留的奉献给了大自然。

在桃花盛开的季节,欢迎大家到我的家乡来做客!  桃花开在春天里,春天因为桃花更加美丽。我爱美丽的春天,更爱这春天里美丽的桃花。


November **, ****

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the NY University since Jun 1994(or This letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemist from July 1993 to Sept. 1994. Mr. Lis main duties and responsibilities are as follows:

Design, develop and install various computer hardware, software and network systems for banks.

Determine and analyze the requirements of each system project into related componets solved through the application of computer technology.

Write specifications for computer programs, and test and implement programs for network systems and control systems.

Supervise computer programmers and other system analysts for paticular system projects.

Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the following projects:

The first engineering design of city general business computer network system.

Upgrading banks system for IBM AS/400 E45 to IBM AS/400 320, IBM AS/400 530.

The design development and test of city general business computer network system.

The design and development network and database systems for the Golden Credit Card Project.

Mr. Li is well experienced with IBM AS/400 system analysis, TCP/IP protocol, SNA protocol and LAN; proficient in RPGIII, VB, C/C++ and DB2, and skilled in UNIX, Informix, Client/Server etc.

Mr. Li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Singature, Zhang Jianguo

Senior Engineer and Technical Manage Company Name, Address, Tex Fax


Beijing time, in the early morning of August 5th, Sun Yang defend title successfully with the score of 14 points 41 seconds 15 in 2013 swimming world championships men's 1500 meter freestyle finals. This is the third gold medal in this tournament for Sun Yang as well as the fifth goal of China’s swimming, which is slower 10 second 13 than the result of the London Olympic Games when Sun Yang achieves the champion. Sun Yang uses the score of his fifth goal in his career life to tie with the medal record that Luo Xuejuan keeps in the Chinese swimmer World Championship. He also becomes the person after Hackett in the 2005 Montreal World Championships and a single tournament winning the gold medal of “the king of long distance " in men’s 400, 800 and 1500 meter freestyle.

北京时间8月5日凌晨,2013年游泳世锦赛男子1500米自由泳决赛,孙杨以14分41秒15的成绩赢得金牌成功卫冕,这是孙杨本届赛事第三枚金牌,也是中国泳军收获的第五金,这一成绩比伦敦奥运会夺冠时慢了10秒13。 孙杨也以生涯五枚金牌的成绩,追平罗雪娟保持的中国游泳选手世锦赛夺金纪录,并且成为继哈克特在2005年蒙特利尔世锦赛后,又一位单届赛事包揽男子400、800和1500米自由泳金牌的“中长距离之王”!





秋天,是收获的季节。松树也结出了沉甸甸的果实。松果的外形呈深棕色,层层叠叠地挂满了整个树枝,它坚硬的外壳里正孕育着新的生命、新的希望。   冬天,漫天飞舞的大雪落在松树的身上,给松树换上了一套雪白的礼服。透过礼服,可以隐隐约约望见松树那苍翠的'绿。使人不由得想起陈毅大元帅那首《青松》:大雪压青松,青松挺且直。要知松高洁,待到雪化时。



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