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Country Garden and Me

On the way from Panyu City to Shunde City and approaching the conjunction point of both cities, a big advertisement board of the infamous Country Garden will catch your eyes. And on the board, a lovely girl gently holds a little white pigeon.

She looks at everybody with a sweet smile. Who is this girl? Let me tell you later. Country Garden is located at the Beijao town, Shunde City of Guangdong Province. Ten years ago when my Dad and Mom took me as a baby to Guangzhou, it was a wasteland here. But what does this piece of wasteland look like nowadays? Country Garden has been developed and enlarged rapidly on the ground of this land, and a great number of high-quality houses and apartments have been built up within the garden. Over the past decade, other nine country gardens with various unique designs have been erasing around the great city of Guangzhou. The construction and management of several gardens have engaged the devoted contributions from my Dad and Mom.

Country Garden has grown up together with me, and I am one of the witnesses of its growth and development.


我更多的是要去解释为什么陕西卷选这个题材作为写作标准——写一篇关于这个题材背后的内幕 揭露这个虚虚实实的后台操作。

我想这些才是我这个题外人应该写的。按照这样的思路去写一篇说明文。或许这样写才能真正的发挥宝石更大的价值和 更多的意义。

而文中的年轻人和老者 在我的看法里是次要人物。或者说只是两个做了件不同决策的角色——表面上的理论只能让读者感觉到肤浅, 要从中得到宝贵的知识才是-- 某种程度意义上的一种精神享受。

我们细看这份材料; 不难让人察觉, 和产生怀疑。

竟然是块宝石 ,而且已经出现了裂痕。 为什么下文不顺着故事的发展先机去接着构想 ——如何去修复它—— 让它重新绽放出往日的魅力?

可以说,出题者还真就在这个纠结的问题上。 做了一个让人意想不到的说法在很大程度进行了修改。 这是为了让考生理解一个很明朗的内幕。

既然你们都会说,宝石已经出现了裂痕 。那么,如果你打算用你技术超群的手艺去完成这项艰难的任务。 可以说,你一定能得到一阵阵的掌声和不绝的赞美 。但是我已经告诉了你—— 是一阵阵的掌声 和不绝的 赞美 。但 不是永久的。 因为,人说多了嘴会显得笨拙 ; 手拍多了难道观众不会累 。至少你可以感受到--自己原来只是一个让人羡慕角色 。 而不是一尊让人鞠躬尽瘁的铜像 。

再来, 琢磨出题者转了360度大圈的甩文 。这会儿对照前面我阐述的序文。 你们可能已经察觉到出题者算是小聪明大智慧的做法了。

不难分析出, 出题者的智慧 。

一分为二的做法, 才是宝石在这个题材中真正的价值。既能说明宝石是一件不可多得物品 。又能为文章做一个非常漂亮的铺垫--

而且充分体现了。 中心思想“有时不仅需要足够的,更需要抛却许多顾虑的勇气。”


由此推断可以清晰的看到,商人的本质的面貌——贪财 为了得到更多的财富。 心生念头 ,却又使了欺骗性诈术。

正好利用 ,切割者的心理—— 富与贫 的观点 。促使他们下手, 从中捞得一桶金钱 。

面对极大的诱惑, 老者倒是醒目。 因为他知道摆在他面前的不仅仅是一个技术难题; 更多的是经验告诉了他。 如果他失败了。 他之前所得到的名誉将付之东流—— 而且还得。 赔偿商人。 一块价值不菲的宝石。 恐怕会因此倾家荡产也不足为怪。

我 很同情他们。但是更多的是要告诉他们 ,“你们手里所谓的人生“经验”可能会害了自己一生”。 你们会因为自己的无能为力 。感到失落 。从此永远活在心理阴影之中。

这里更多表现出来是 老者的懦弱的心理



年轻人的临场发挥 真是让人振奋人心 为了维持生计 已经没能有太多的顾忌和猜疑 面对难题拿出你“长江后浪推前浪 ,青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。的气魄挑战前者的迟疑 更多的是要挑战自我 甚至超越自我

可是学子们; “你们知道出题者 出此题目的真正目的吗?”

你们经历了十多年的学业生涯 终于到了最后终点线前 的冲刺

而如今 正是像宝石一样的未来 前途 导航着你们向前进

所谓的一道裂缝 正是为你们开启了一片崭新的天地瑕疵是为了告诉你们

如果你们心存杂念 不能平心静气地思考问题那么你已经是件 废品

像年轻人一样灵活运用你们手中掌握着的知识 去攻克一道道难关

而不是如老者一样守旧规 不敢于创新 开拓别样的天地

旁观者只能羡慕你们 而感到愧疚

用多年积攒出来的勇气 去化解一道道迎面而来的风险



下一页你们将奔赴 新的学院 那便是古往今来多人者 想迈进

而又感到无能为力 敢于拼搏的人不会是徒劳而返 的结局

是 每个人所期盼的美好 生活

笔者很惭愧因为 我在的初中阶段便放弃了学业希望更多的人能珍惜能做一位求学者 !











Everyone may encounter a scene when he or she wonders what the meaning and purpose of life is. Answers to this question vary from person to person. As for me, I agree with the view that the meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to make the best of it.

On one hand, one's gift could be the source of his inner happiness, providing spiritual impetus and correct orientation. Take the world-renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang as an example. His gift was noticed before he was 3 years old, which laid the foundation of his glorious life. On the other hand, proper use of talent helps people to realize their value in a positive way, thus making contribution to the society as a whole. For instance, Isaac Newton made a universally amazing discovery by digging into his gift and finding the Newton's law of gravitation.

In conclusion, let's search for our true gift and utilize it to the fullest to achieve a happy and valuable life.


The fox, filled with arrogance, examined the cat from head to feet, and for a long time did not know whether he should give an answer. At last he said, "Oh, you poor beard-licker, you speckled fool, you hungry mouse hunter, what are you thinking? Have you the nerve to ask how I am doing? What do you know? How many tricks do you understand?"

"I understand but one," answered the cat, modestly.

"What kind of a trick is it?" asked the fox.

"When the dogs are chasing me, I can jump into a tree and save myself."

"Is that all?" said the fox. "I am master of a hundred tricks, and in addition to that I have a sackful of cunning. I feel sorry for you. Come with me, and I will teach you how one escapes from the dogs."

Just then a hunter came by with four dogs. The cat jumped nimbly up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage completely hid her.

"Untie your sack, Mr. Fox, untie your sack," the cat shouted to him, but the dogs had already seized him, and were holding him fast.

"Oh, Mr. Fox," shouted the cat. "You and your hundred tricks are left in the lurch. If you been able to climb like I can, you would not have lost your life."










(1 模版1

Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereas others aegue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmly believe that ___________.For another,_____________.Just think of________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusion that______.Only if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.In addition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________.What’s more,_______________.In summary,we should_______________.


Nowadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the one hand,_________.On the other hand,__________.

To conclude,____________are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may________.However,one point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use,always being a master instead of slaving of them.


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