

首页写景更新时间:2024-02-21 20:14:40











坐上豪华大巴,和鱼儿坐在一起聊天。就这样我们到了上海。 匆匆吃过午饭,大巴又送我们去上海滑雪场。车上,导游姐姐告诉我们:“滑雪场内有三个坡度:一级是十二度,二级是十五度,三级是十七度。”导游姐姐再三强调:“千万不能上三级和二级坡度!不管你认为自己水平多好都不行!”


换好衣服,装好工具,我急忙走进滑雪场。 啊!滑雪场好大!一抬头,我发现了导游姐姐说的那三个坡度。一级上的人比较多,二级上的人就比较少了,三级上连一个人都没有。

参观完了滑雪场,我就想该滑雪了吧!毕竟时间不等人。 我慢慢地、小心地滑着,生怕自己摔倒。看看人家汪辛怡吧,她滑得那么快,免不了摔几次跤。再看看鱼儿吧!她滑得不快,可还是要摔几次跤。看来她滑雪技术一点也不好。

咦?楼无方呢?从我进来到现在都没见到他呢!我又看了看通往旁边三个坡度的电梯。哈哈,楼无方就站在上面呢! 看着看着我觉得没劲了,便对鱼儿说:“咱俩来比比谁滑得快好吗?” “好啊!”鱼儿一口答应。 我们找了个地方,只听鱼儿说:“预备—开始!”

只可惜我不是她的对手,只见她呜呜呜地滑过去,而我呢,只能一点一点慢慢地滑。看来我只好再练练了。 两个小时过得可真快啊,转眼间我们该回去了。 今天的滑雪真有趣!





①Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leaving my position with XXX company on August 7.


③Although I have enjoyed my job, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.


④Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.


⑤I regret having to resign from my position. I wish you and XXX the best of luck and future success.


⑥If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.




(your full name






Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a panion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her ersonality.

Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s GREat virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.


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