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Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in big cities. They shout at us from the television screen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of the newspaper, signal to us from the roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in colored lights all night.

Faced with a flood of advertisement, some people wonder whether it is necessary to have such huge sums spent on advertising. They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim. Why don't we stop advertising and use the money to reduce the price of goods? It sounds like a good idea, but they fail to notice the contribution advertising makes to our society. Because the production of a better product to compete for customers' money is the goal of advertisers, customers are thus given a chance to compare their products and get the best and cheapest one. Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed information as to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes life much more convenient. And another thing we mustn't forget: the fact that we pay so little for our daily newspapers and TV programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.

Advertising performs such a useful service to our society that we can't imagine what would happen if there were no advertisements. (198 words


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Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereas others aegue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmly believe that ___________.For another,_____________.Just think of________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusion that______.Only if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.In addition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________.What’s more,_______________.In summary,we should_______________.


Nowadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the one hand,_________.On the other hand,__________.

To conclude,____________are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may________.However,one point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use,always being a master instead of slaving of them.



An American Girl in Traditional Chinese Costume

2002年 2002年1月考场上出现的这幅漫画不得不让我们想到2001年的大事件——北京申请到了奥运会以及中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)。



初中的生活就像一颗红红的山楂,咋一咬,酸满嘴,还略带苦,但细细回味,它会是一种美味,带着淡淡的甜味和清香。于是,我开始学会品味初一生活的细节,铭记每一分钟…… 苦冽却磨练着 刚步入初一,学校就给了我们一个“下马威”——军训! 对于像我们这样一直生活在温房里的花朵,突然要把我们推向毒辣的阳光下—— “立正!静站20分钟!”教官一声令下,谁敢懈怠?一分钟过去了,头上渗出了豆大的汗珠,随即便下起了“太阳雨”……五分钟过去了,眼前出现了一个金星乱迸的世界……“不许动!”又是一声严厉的训斥。我的心头就像洒上了胡椒粉:军训简直就是一个饼干制造场,我们则是面粉,教官,是把我们做成一个个相同模板的机器!晚上学唱军歌(与蚊子战斗;叠被子(开豆腐店;3公里负重拉练(连爬带滚…… 然而,回到家,我却惊奇地发现:自己很利索地整理好房间;不再为小磕小碰而喊疼;妈妈说我晒黑了,我嘻嘻地笑:那白的名字叫娇气……在军训中我汲取了自己之前不曾拥有的东西:坚强,忍耐,勇敢…… 酸涩却收获着 重任从天而降——黑板报评比拉开了序幕。 时间紧迫,于是,我们毫不犹豫地放弃了午休、自习、活动……“粉”笔疾书,飘飘洒洒的粉笔沫调皮地飞到了我们的头发上,“白”了少年头;为了版面设计,我们绞尽脑汁却无所得,只好四处“购”书……正当我们欣赏着自己的杰作时,却又遭来了“非议”:颜色不好看,内容太空洞……我们只好“忍痛割爱”——擦!部分同学满意了,另外的同学又来了意见——擦!折腾了数十次,早已“月上柳梢头”,本想回家得到点安慰,却不料是:“以后再这么晚就索性别回来了!”鼻子酸酸的,对自己说:“为了班级,值!” 万万没想到,来了一个晴空霹雳——才得了二等奖。一股脑的埋怨向我们扑来。心,好酸,真想大哭一场。但我分明感到,自己的心中又多了一份责任…… 紧张却快乐着 初一,是一个没有硝烟的战场。不付出努力,你就会远远地被人抛在身后。于是,我们不得不与小说绝缘,与电视断交,满脑子就是A=X+Y+Z,张口就是A、B、C……然而,我们紧张的竞争在合作的怀抱里微笑。在真诚中,互相帮助,互相提高,让别人的长处弥补自己的短处,让我们的长处“承托”别人的短处,让彼此都能获益,让彼此携手同行。于是,在我们忙碌的身影中,闪出了快乐的纹理。初一生活的每一个细节都让人回味,无论它是苦,是酸,还是涩。因为在每一个细节中,我们都会有新的发现,新的启迪。当我收集起了所有的细节,放上天平,另一边能托起意想不到的成功!






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