

首页写景更新时间:2023-12-12 10:24:56






My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday. When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried. I didt know how to swim, but I had to save my friends live. I was shouting and asking someone to help.

After that, the most impressive thing happened which was a young solder that jump into the lake without thinking, swimmed to the palace where my friend were, and got him out of the lake. After the young solder checked if there was nothing wrong with my friend, he went away. In conclusion, this young solder is the one who i respect a lot!


牐牪牧鲜俏恼碌摹把肉”,文章的成败主要在于材料的 选取。要使文章有新意,就必须选择新颖的材料。


牐犚豢吹健对硕场上》这一题目,学生便不由自主地描写运动员你追我赶,奋力拼搏的场面。如果我们写“观众为落后者鼓劲加油”,不就棋高一着了吗?只要运用发散思维,全方位思考,学生就容易写出别具一格的佳作。我曾以《钓鱼》为题,让学生写作。学生由于运用了这一思维方法,写出了各具特色的文章。A、 妈妈为了筹钱 交学费,劳累过度,病倒在床。星期天,我去钓鱼,准备给妈妈补补身体。(表现母子之情)B、 我是钓鱼能手,可大半天,才钓到两条鱼。我感到纳闷,向爸爸一问,得知一个月之前,河上游建了一家工厂。(反映环保问题)C、 我偷偷 地到王大伯的养鱼池到钓鱼,妈妈 得知后,让我向王大伯认错,并给了钱。(表现母亲对子女的严格要求)D、 几位领导干部利用公款钓鱼。(抨击社会不良现象)


牐犠源痈母锟发以来,新人新事层出不穷:农民炒股,老人练功跳舞,个体户捐资修路,干部深入基层体验群众甘苦,昔日光棍要上城里媳妇……这些材料鲜明地反映了社会的发展,时代的进步。写入作文,它们便成了时代的缩影,读之,就仿佛看到祖国日新月异的 变化,怎能不令读者欣喜和自豪呢?因此,学生要善于观察,留意身边发生的人和事,及时收集有价值的材料,这样对写作大有益处。


On the afternoon of October 28, the weather was particularly sunny. The day I had been looking forward to for two weeks finally came. Today, we are going to the emergency rescue training base of the Municipal Red Cross Society to learn first aid knowledge and skills.

We took a bus to our destination. First of all, the volunteers of the Municipal Red Cross Society explained to us the origin, functions and components of the Red Cross movement.

From his introduction, I know that may 8 is the World Red Cross Day every year. The bright red red cross represents the spirit of humanity, fraternity and dedication. Then, we started the practical operation. The first one was cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Volunteers introduced the operation process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and simulated first aid.

Secondly, volunteers also teach us four skills of trauma rescue: hemostasis, dressing, fixation and handling. When learning hemostatic bandage, volunteers showed us triangular towel head bandage, stirring rod bandage, etc. Finally, we carry out practical operation.

Under the careful guidance of volunteers, we studied very hard, and everyone mastered these first-aid skills.

Time passed quickly, and the afternoons study soon came to an end, and the students were still not satisfied. Before I took part in this activity, I didnt know what the Red Cross did, and I never wanted to know it. Through this afternoons study, I deeply felt that the Red Cross Society is really great. I want to inherit its spirit and be a loving person. Thank you very much for allowing me to participate in such a meaningful activity!


·学生生活范围主要集中于学校、家庭 。写作时对同学、老师、父母记叙得较多。因此学生在选择写作对象时,也要多角度思考。在题目允许的情况下,要尽量写其他对象。如默默无闻的清洁工、身残志坚的残疾 人 ,发挥余热的退休教师`````

· 从上述三方面的分析可知,求异存同是指作者在选材、表现手法的运用;写作对象的选择上,要避免与他人雷同,追求独特的创造。


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