

首页写景更新时间:2023-11-27 20:09:06


My room is small, but comfortable and clean.

Take the door, on the left is a bookcase. The above is my dad's book, and below is my "private property" in bookcase pretend I most like to watch book at ordinary times. What little sunflower, extracurricular reading, contemporary elementary, hundred thousand whys... It's full of beautiful things in eyes, dazzling. In spite of large Numbers, they still according to the height of a placed very neatly.

The right of the bookcase is a small bed. Every night, I lay there to sleep, do a dream.

To the other side of the bed is my desk. There are my keyboard on the desk, and I often read the book. Every school, it's "people" will increase, because above filled up with my school things, and my homework. Bed is a window. The sun shine into my room through the window, make the room warm and bright.

Sofa is next to the desk, the sofa has been neatly folded my clothes, and my family "" toys.

Chest and sofa is an inseparable friends, my family moved to either, they were always together. The big wardrobe, which is full of clothes when I was a kid.

My room is not big, but there is full of laughter every day.


this is my bedroom,

       it is small but clean.


there is a bed in my bedroom.


near it is my desk. 


there is a lamp on my desk.


under my desk there is a football.


in front of my bed is my bookshelf.

there are many books in it.

       beside it is a TV.


I love my room very much. 



This is my family.They are my mother,my father and me.My father is a teacher.He works in a school.He is of medium height and of medium build.He has shortstraight black hair.He looks young.Now he is reading

books.My mother is a reporter.She works in a TV station.She is of medium height and a little thin.She has long curly black hair.She is very beautiful.Now she is watching TV.I am a student.I am tall and thin.I have

long straight black hair.I am doing my homework,now.This is my family.


我和小刚是同班同学,他是这学期才从外地转学来到本校就读的。但不知怎么一回事,我对他的印象始终不是很好,直到前几天发生的一件事,使我对他的看法了有了根本性的转变。“叮叮……”下课铃响了。同学们纷纷拿起饭碗,只等老师一声“下课”,就以百米冲刺的速度冲向食堂。果然,老师刚说下课走出教室时,教室里时间就只剩下我和小刚以及其它几位同学。我一边苦笑着说:“他们跑的也太快了,又不是没吃过饭。”一边将手伸入课桌之中准备拿碗。拿出之后,我又伸入裤包内想要拿饭卡,可是搜索了很久也不见其踪迹,于是我就推测: 饭卡很可能是不小心掉落了在哪儿去了,也有可能落在家里了。总之,看样子中午就吃不成饭了。我将手抱在头上,望着天花板对天说:“天啊!我今天也太倒霉了吧!看样子,以后出门要看黄历了。”我的动作引起了小刚的注意,他拿着碗走过来关切的问道:“你怎么了?”我回答道:“没什么。”既然没什么,那你为什么在这儿仰天大叫呢?”他追问道。我见遮掩不过去,便只好如实对他说:“实不相瞒,我的饭卡不见了,所以今天中午就吃不成饭。“喔!是这样啊!那好办,你用我卡去打饭,你不就有吃的了吗?”小刚笑着说。我不好的说:“那不好,那是你的卡,我怎么能用呢?”“没事,不就是一顿饭吗?至于那么计较吗?”“那也不行。不就是饿一顿吗?没什么事的,我推辞道。”俗话说:“人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。只有吃饱了,下午才有力气学习啊!”小刚劝道。“那……好吧!我以后会还你的”。我们是同学,互相帮助是应该的,不必挂在心上,小a笑着说,那快走吧!别人都快吃完了。“好!等等我”我笑着说……。这虽然是一件小的不能再小的事,但我却永远不会忘记。因为这件让我明白不光是同学之间,人与人之间应该互相帮助,不应袖手旁观。同时这也是中华传统美德之一,我们作为炎黄子孙应该发扬这种精神!让爱永远存在人与人之间! 同学总是天天相处,日日碰面,在上学时难免会发生一些事,所以我要向你讲一件我和晓明发生的事。 那是酷暑难熬的暑假的一天,我和晓明约好一起到从文书店去看书。下午2点我们在兰陵广场碰了面,骑着自行车来到从文书店。 我们把车停在停车场后,我迫不急待地冲进了从文书店。在茫茫的书海中如饥似渴地寻找我所想要的书。晓明也走进了这片辽阔的“知识海洋”,开始寻找他所需要的书。 我漫不经心地翻阅着书本。突然,我的眼睛在密密麻麻的书海中被一本叫《童话世界》的杂志吸引了。因为我被封面上的.一名话“爱因斯坦乖狐狸说:天才与你的距离就是这本书”这句话所吸引。 我不由自主地翻开书本,我开始还是耐着性子慢慢看,后来却情不自禁地投入到故事里的情节里去了。正当我看得津津有味时,晓明走过来对我说:“博巍,好了吗?”我还陶醉在书的海洋里,一时还回不过神来。晓明见我没反应,往我手里的书看,这一看不得了,连他也投入到情节中了。共2页,当前第1页12


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