

首页写景更新时间:2023-12-19 10:38:49


My mother is the person I admire the most because she has the following good qualities. Firstly, she is a tolerant person. She will be tolerant to other people’s mistakes including mine.

When I make a mistake, she will let me know why I am wrong and how I am going to do to correct them, rather than simply punish me. Secondly, she is such a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Although she is very busy at her work, she still accompanies me see the film and go to parks on weekends.


When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.

What impressed me a lot was his could see him always got angry only when we were too noisy in class,he often played soccer with used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.

We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao.


Dear Miss Jiang,

I am writing to share my ideas about our English class. Now, our main material in the class is the textbook, which is reasonable. But I think we can get some other resources, such as English magazines, songs, movies and so on. We can learn the basic knowledge from out textbook, and get some more from other materials. In addition, those materials are more authentic and practical, which will be useful to our learning. Besides, by doing so, we can get more fun from learning and develop our interest to English. Please take good consideration of my advice. Thank you!

Sincerely yours






Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Welcome to colorful nature pare!

There is a clean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass. There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many flowers near the path.

Look! There are some birds in the sky. One, two, three…… oh! So many!


Last Saturday,with all my classmates and teachers,I went on a trip to the nature park .We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination.When we first entered into the park,all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park.Then,happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot.After lunch break,our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 o'clock,and unitl now,most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.





可不幸的事终于发生了。那天,天阴沉沉的,我的心里像揣了一只兔子似的,感到忐忑不安,好像有什么灾难即将发生在我的身上。回家后,我的不安应验了。在我的书桌上,似乎少了几本书册。我的脑海中立即闪过一样物品——集邮册!我急得团团转,赶紧到处找。“你不用找了!”一个熟悉的声音传入我的耳朵里,我回头一看,是妈妈!“那些邮票已经被我烧掉了。”妈妈接着说,“你收集那些有什么用?家里都……”妈妈的训话,我一句也听不进去,我一下子崩溃了,呆呆地站在那里,只有流泪,许久、许久的……  四年过去了,我对集邮的.那段记忆已经渐渐淡忘,仅管现在还存在着模糊的一小段记忆,可是却永远那么模糊。也许是内心的强烈克制吧,我也不去回想它,甚至希望永远不会再想起,包括现在还残存的细小片段。

直到我走进了初中校园,似乎冥冥之中注定总会有巧合,蔡老师鼓励我们,要培养良好的课外兴趣。这让我那些残存的小片段重新浮现在我的脑海中。可我不愿去面对,我心中有恐惧,我不想再次经历这样的事。  过了几天,我回家后,妈妈谈到这件事。她的一句话,使我哭了,我高兴地哭了。这句话就是:“你去追求你的集邮梦吧!”回忆,集邮的回忆,清晰地浮现在我的脑海中……  现在,我对集邮的热情重新燃烧起来了。


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