

首页写景更新时间:2024-07-12 12:19:20


Dear friend,

I’m Sweet He, very glad to write letter to you! I hope we can make friends with each other. I’m 19 years old and my sign of the Zodiac is dog. How old are you? My hometown is a fascinating palace, which is located in the north of china. My hometown, Shan xi, is famous for its abundant coal resources. Beijing is my second hometown; I will study here four years at least. Beijing is the capital of China, which has rich cultural heritage. Where is your hometown? And how about your hometown?

I’m an outgoing and friendly girl, in fact , I’m crazy sometimes. I have lot’s of habits, such as singing, dancing, running, playing badminton, and so on. What kinds of sports do you like?I’m a house female and I like watching Korean dramas and comedy movie. What kinds of movie do you like?Thriller, action or comedy? I think pink is the most beautiful color in the world, and I hope I can have a house in the future, which is decorated by pink things. Can you imagine the scene? What’s your favorite color? And do you have a dream about future?

That’s all about mine. I’m eager to know about you. Please write to me soon and reply my questions which are referred to in the letter. Thank you!










第一天,小猪就在树墩旁玩。忽然,呼———一阵风把帽子吹到地上去了,小猪连忙把帽子捡起来。呀,红帽子上全是灰,小猪拿了把刷子,刷刷刷,轻轻地把帽子上的灰刷掉了。小猪去找来一根树枝,把帽子压住,不让它再被风吹走。第二天,小熊和豪猪来找小猪玩。瞧,小熊戴了顶黄帽子,豪猪戴了顶蓝帽子。他们说: “小猪,你把红帽子戴上,我们来拍张照片,好吗?”小猪起先摇摇头,后来一想,要是帽子是别人的,他就没有机会戴红帽子拍照了。“好吧。”小猪说着戴上红帽子。喀嚓,喀嚓,三个好朋友,戴着三顶不同颜色的帽子,拍了好几张不同颜色的照片。第三天,天蒙蒙亮的时候,就淅沥(xī lì淅沥地下起了小雨。小猪一骨碌从床上爬起来,冲出门去给红帽子撑了一把伞。红帽子淋了可不行。这天,小猪趴在窗台上,眼睛一眨(zhǎ不眨地盯着伞下那顶红帽子。他高兴地说:“啊哈,今天一过,红帽子没有人来拿,就是我的了!”

傍晚,小猪正在吃饭,丁零零……邮递员送来了一封信,上面写着:猪宝贝,外婆三天前让乌龟大叔送去的红帽子收到了吗?他说,那天你家关着门,他就把红帽子放在树墩上了。“啊,这么说,红帽子是我的了,真是我的了。”小猪跑出门去,把红帽子戴在头上,撑着雨伞在雨中转了三圈。他马上打电话给小熊和豪猪,说: “你们想不到吧,这顶红帽子是外婆送给我的!”他的朋友听了,都为小猪高兴了一阵。


Dear Mr.

Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, I’ve accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.” Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here. Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.



Dear Tom,

I am very glad to receive your letter.Here is my plan for the Sping Festival.I will go shopping with my parents to buy some food,vegetables and gifts.On Spring Festival Even,I am going to help my parents make the dumplings and cook delicious food.Then I will watch TV,play cards and set up the firework.

I am going to visit my friends and relatives duing the Spring Festival.Of course I will viist the Temple Fair and take a short trip with my parents.I am sure I will have a good time.

Yours friend


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