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1.If all those factors are contemplated, the advantages of... carry more weight than those of... From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that...

2.No doubt that we can’t control the problem... unless there is an immediate action... The chance is very good that...

3.From what I have mentioned above, we can see clearly that violence on TV has (a great influence on young adults’ behavior. Therefore, one can naturally reach this conclusion that...

4.In conclusion, .../In short, .../All in all, .../By and large .../To summarize...

5.In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of... Only in this way can... in the future.

6.Taking into account all these factors offered above, we may carefully reach the conclusion that...

7.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that...

8.This fact provides strong reason for thinking that..., thus... is actually preferable to ... rather than the reverse.

9.Judging from all given evidences, we can safely come to the decision that...

10.With the two opposite opinions discussed above, it is clear that neither of them is reasonable. As for ...I think, the latter... .If, on the other hand, the former...


1 A good case in point is ...

2 As an illustration, we may take ...

3 Such examples might be given easily.

4 ...is often cited as an example.


1:Peoples views onvary from person to person. Some hold thatHowever, others believe that

2:People may have different opinions on

3:Attitudes towards vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards

4:There are different opinions among people as to


1.So far as I know, such a phenomenon comes up as a result of the following facts. To begin with, ... And more than that, ... Last but not the least,...

2.So far as I know, some factors that contribute to the above tendency may be summarized as below. First of all, ... What’s more, ... The last one is ...

3.Some people favor... as..., and they argue that.. It seems to be so at the first sight, however, on reflection, we are convinced that it is just another coin with two sides. Firstly, ... is, of course, valid as far as it goes, and we can benefit from this point... However, we must be fully aware of its potential danger, taking into account the risk resulting from...

4.As far as I know, the above tendency may inevitably give rise to some effects as follows.

5Considering the social atmosphere today, it is not a time to... It is high time to... The fact that... is what should be emphasized. Those who object to this idea forget a universal truth that... As I remember... In addition... An instance that accompanies this reason is that... On the other hand, ... Finally...

6.There are several significant reasons as follows. Firstly, ... Secondly, ... Thirdly,...

7.It would be possible to think that ..., but it would be more foolish to claim that..., and it would be more foolish to believe that...

8.We all know that... plays an important role in... However, many people believe that... depends on two aspects of... The first is... The second is... A further argument is...

9.In many cases, however, there is something beyond our expectation: yet we can compare and contrast all the relevant factors and find a way out /in/ between.

10.There are, I think, at least two possible ways to cope with it. The first way to tackle it is to appeal to the authorities to take drastic measures to (do... The other policy that is worth adopting

is to work out new regulations to (do ... Only in this way can we succeed in dealing with the problem in the near future.


Paul Robert在《英语句子结构》(English Sentence Structure一书中指出:“据多数情况来看,歧义的产生并非故意的。它是由运用句子结构时的疏忽造成的,以致没有能够将可以使意义清晰的标记包罗到句子中去。(周立人,1997∶6”于是忽视使用表明句子结构的句法代号就引起了语法歧义。伍谦光(1995∶199认为:“‘语法歧义’是指由于对句子中的句法结构有不同理解而产生的歧义。”语法歧义最常见,也最复杂。下面是一些具有代表性的类例:



(1College demands change.




(2an English teacher

此例在书面语中易引起歧义:(1一位教英语的老师。English teacher是一个复合名词。(2一位来自英国的老师。English作为修饰语加在名词前构成名词短语。


(3Flying planes can be dangerous.



(4This is his teacher’s book.

句子中teacher’s book可以是一个整体,即“教师用书”。但his teacher也可以是一个整体,即“他的老师”。所以此句产生了两个意思:(1这是他的教师用书。(2这是他老师的书。


(5The tiger is too small to kill.



(6I found Jim an experienced teacher.

及物动词found后面接了两个名词Jim和an experienced teacher。这句话有两个意思:(1我发现吉姆原来是一位有的老师。(2我为吉姆找到了一位有经验的老师。


(7Tom and Lucy are married.



(8His object is not to eat.

此句产生的两种意思为:(1他的目的不是吃。作此意讲时,is和not的关系紧密,可写作isn’t。(2他的目的是绝食。作此意讲时,not与to eat的关系紧密,形成“绝食”的含义。因此not是悬挂式的(即可以自由摆动。


(9The man informed his brother that he should lose weight.

人称代词he位于两个名词the man和his brother之后,句意变得模糊:(1这个男的告诉他的哥哥他自己应该减肥。人称代词he代指the man。(2这个男的告诉他的哥哥他应该减肥。这时人称代词he代指his brother。


(10The people who saw the play frequently praised it.

这里的frequently很难说是修饰saw the play还是praised的,因为状语修饰成分是“悬挂的”,所以产生了两个意思:(1经常看戏的人们称赞了它。(2看了这出戏的人们频繁地称赞它。


(11Lily likes the vase on the table which she bought yesterday.

此句中的which she bought yesterday是定语从句,这个定语从句可认为是修饰vase,也可以认为是修饰table。也引起了歧义:(1莉莉喜欢放在桌子上的那个昨天买的花瓶。(2莉莉喜欢放在昨天买的桌子上的那个花瓶。


In short, it can be said that


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