

首页写景更新时间:2024-04-27 07:38:17


以前,音乐人在众人眼中必须是全能的,会作词、作曲和演唱。现在的音乐将过去颠覆,开创了我们特有的音乐新时代。我想首席代表必是 Jay——周杰伦, 昨日双截棍舞得很漂亮的无名小卒,今日声名鹊起的实力歌手,明日万众瞩目的天 皇巨星。他的迅速走红并未带来太多惊叹的目光,似乎在意料之中,他的专辑销量一直居高不下。有人批评说他咬字不清,我认为这也正是他的独特出众之处。他的大多数歌都是自己作曲的,一种 modern 的曲风,糅合了一种蒙眬感,让意韵与心境得以含蓄却又淋漓尽致的呈现,让曲韵的表现力和张力及其鉴赏性得到极致发挥。或是躁动不羁,或是温婉缠绵,百变风格让人欲罢不能。这就是我们这个时代音乐的突出特点——张扬个性。周杰伦应该算是当今流行歌手中很成功的一位了。我做了一项民意调查,调查显示:大部分人以为 Jay 的作曲及演唱方法是非常成功的, 极少数持否定意见的人也只是不喜欢他曲子的风格和类型而已,可见周杰伦的音乐才能是毋庸置疑的。唯一遗憾的事是 Jay 不会作词,不过会不会作词在当前似乎关系不大,很多歌手是连曲也不会作的,这也就是为什么我们现在严格地将音乐人和歌手区别开来的原因。Jay 的歌被广为传唱理所应当,但我建议大家不要一味地模仿。Jay 对于他的字音清晰问题可以处理得很好,如果大家盲目模仿,一旦丧失了原来良好的发音能力,可就要抱憾终身了!



Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be?

Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday or even live on the moon,and some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there. We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes,which makes the life more convenient. Maybe we will also do some shopping and work at home.

And I'm sure there'll be more educational programmes on the radio or TV or by the Intemet or videophones,so perhaps some children won't need to go to school every day. They'll study at home.

In the future,all electric equipment at home is under the con-trol of computers. People can learn about the situation of the house by working on the computer at the office. No people like doing housework. Maybe each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot what to do-shopping,housework and so on. believe the dream will come true some day.


What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.

Just forget it.What our  life will be like in the future?For example,in ten years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.What about your future life ?Will you share with me?


Jiefang Road

Oct. 16, 2003

Dear Mike,

I'm going to the cinema next Sunday morning to see “ A Dream of Red ” , and I have two tickets. Would you like to come?

The film starts at 9:00. Maybe we can meet at the gateway of the department store and have breakfast before the film starts.

Please give me a call if you can come. I'm at home in the evening.

Looking forward to seeing you.


Li Lei


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