

首页写景更新时间:2024-06-02 12:13:17



紧张兴奋的一天终于来临了,我站在考生中间,跟着他们“气腾腾”地冲向考场。“镇定,镇定……”我努力地让自己狂跳的的心平静下来,可还是七上八下的。 “叮——”这铃声不知怎么大得吓人,考试开始了。第一场考的是语文,可是我这个马大哈在第一关就掉了链子。试后,同学们议论纷纷,我也过去旁听,当我的好朋友问我:“你看试卷上的答题区是不是印歪了?”的\'时候,我立刻就懵了。选择题没写在答题卡上!哎呀呀,那选择题要是很难就算了,可是那偏偏是几道挺简单的题!要知道,选择题可是占二十分的啊!完蛋了完蛋了,刚刚建立起来的自信心又被击垮了。天性乐观的我转念一想,不行,这可是关键的时候,不能丧失信心。语文已经白白丢了很多分了,数学一定要好好考,一定要把那二十分给捡回来!我又重新找回了自信和勇气,我要把刚刚的打击和压力化为下一轮“战役”的动力。





Recently, there is a popular saying: the world is so large that I want to have a look! As more and more people travel around during their holidays, tourists have brought large sum of money to the local people.

However, too many tourists also bring some problems to the local life. The most serious problem is the pollution caused by the uncivilized tourists. It’s reported that there were thousands of tons of rubbish left after the flag-raising ceremony on Oct. 1st. The uncivilized tourists left their rubbish wherever they go, polluting the local environment. Another problem is the traffic jam caused by so many tourists.

Tourist can promote the economic development of the local areas, but the pollution caused by those uncivilized tourists has brought severe problems. The local tourist authority should set up relative laws to protect the environment of the local areas, and every tourist obey the laws and help to make the places of tourist more beautiful!





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should express your views on the impact of air pollution. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Impact of Air Pollution

The cartoon vividly reveals the phenomenon of air pollution or the decline of air quality. In the cartoon we can see the air pollution is so serious that the earth can't bear it.

What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Possible reasons can be listed as follows: firstly, vehicle exhaust gases could be one of the most leading causes. With the improvement of economy and people's living standard, urban inhabitants in mounting numbers own their private cars. More automobiles will inevitably generate more exhaust gases. Additionally, household appliances widely used in cities also release a great amount of carbon dioxide gases, which further intensifies air pollution. Last but not least, many factories around the cities emit large quantities of untreated poisonous gases, which should also be responsible for the decline of air quality.

Definitely, air pollution will exert a detrimental impact on many aspects of people's life. For example, many diseases such as cough, skin problem and lung cancer are caused by it. Perhaps it is high time that we should adopt some measures to solve the problem of air pollution.













There wasa time when children could relish (欣赏/ 也可以使用appreciate 替换 literature. But childrentoday can enjoy the sounds and action on a TV or computer screen. “So why bother reading?” some ask. The reasonis obvious: It enriches our imagination. When we read apiece of literature, we are living the life of RobinHood or starting an adventure with Tom Sawyer. In addition, literature is the mirror of society,whether it be poetry, drama or fiction. We know thesociety better through literature.



Everything is smallbefore it is big. A good example is KFC. In 1930 Colonel Harland Sanders beganserving food to his service station customers in Corbin, a city in Kentucky. He fried chicken in his own kitchen andperfected his secret recipe there. From the small roadside eatery, he went on to build an empire of fast food.



Simple as they mayseem, basic skills serve as the first link in the chain of success. Thisis analogous to learning to play basketball. If shooting, dribbling and passing are not mastered,learning advanced skills will become difficult, if notimpossible. A growing body of research has also documented that such basicskills as reading, writing and computing are highlycorrelated with success later in life. A 2012 study surveyed 300 CEOs ofFortune 500 companies and found that 87% attributed part of their success tothe basic skills they learned in primary school.


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