

首页写景更新时间:2024-05-26 06:27:13







一天晚上,姗杉家静悄悄的。姗杉玩累了,躺在床上呼呼大睡。 突然,听到一阵呜呜的哭声,原来是玩具小熊在默默地哭泣。小熊说:“我和姗杉玩,她却不把我放回家,让我躺在凉凉的地板上。”

接着又听到玩具老鼠的哭声,小老鼠说:“每个人都有自己的家,我却有家回不去。” 小乌龟、小狗、tom猫大家都七嘴八舌的埋怨姗杉不把他们放回家。

于是大家决定离开姗杉,让她度过几天没有玩具的日子。他们打开门离家出走了。 第二天早上,姗杉起床一看,玩具怎么都不见了?姗杉着急地问妈妈:“妈妈,妈妈,我的玩具哪里去了?” 妈妈说:“一定是你不把玩具放回家,他们离家出走了。”

姗杉看着空荡荡的玩具架,感到十分寂寞伤心。想着想着就大哭起来:我一定改掉乱丢东西的坏习惯! 她找来一个大喇叭,对着喇叭喊:玩具们你们快点回来吧,我再也不把你们乱放了! 躲在草丛里的玩具听到姗杉的喊声,他们原谅了姗杉,急忙跑了回来。 姗杉看到玩具们回来很高兴,把它们紧紧地搂在怀里,然后把它们放回了自己的家!


Toy Story is not only the best Disney film because it has the best story and the best animation, but also because of the excellent actors chosen to provide the voices of the animals. The casting was perfect from top to bottom, and the movie provides an excellent adventure story about friendship and loyalty that keeps you engrossed until the nail-biting climax.Tom Hanks and Tim Allen provided excellent voices for Woody and Buzz Lightyear -their performances alone are one of the biggest things that made this such a spectacular movie.

Besides that, though, you have the excellent story that is not only noteworthy because it has never really been told from this perspective before, but also because it was just told so well.

All of the characters in the film are very well developed and all have appropriate and effective actors chosen to provide their voices. And of course, who could forget the revolutionary animation! The computer animation used for this movie not only made it startlingly realistic but also opened up tons of possibilities, and thankfully the filmmakers chose to explore these possibilities. There are dozens of things that are hidden in the woodwork throughout the film, as well as in the songs – note, for example, the subtle playing of the Indiana Jones theme song in the scene where Woody knocks Buzz out the window with the desk lamp.Toy Story is by far the best Disney film ever made, its pretty much perfect.

Its adventurous, its exciting, its entertaining, its good for the whole family, its got great characters, story, and plot, and above all, its fun.


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