

首页写景更新时间:2024-07-04 16:48:55


Such is sons’ nature; I really do not know how to express my thanks to you. However, I can imagine, on the day 18 years ago, when you gave birth to me, what a complex feeling you had. In the past few years, every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me, then in the afternoon, you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a day‘s hard work. Now your son has been 18 and will go to university soon, like a bird is leaving its parents. Nevertheless, your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and I love you mum!

your son



谁知,运动会第一个项目就是各年级亲子羽毛球拍托乒乓球接力赛。我赶紧找爸爸做上场准备。我和爸爸是我们班最后一棒。我强打着精神,带着恐慌和紧张的心情站在起跑线上,生怕因为自己的身体出了状况而影响班级项目。裁判员一声枪响,运动员出发了。我们班的前三对家长和同学都跑得很卖力。该轮到我了。就在这时,另一个班级的`一位叔叔却犯了规,跑到了我们班的跑道上了,把那个女同学撞出了老远。几乎同时,我的爸爸跑过来了,尽管受了一些影响,还是很快地把他手中的羽毛球拍和排上的乒乓球递交给我。我接过球拍和乒乓球后 便使尽全力往前跑,很想跑得更快一些,可是软软的双腿就是不听使唤。快到终点时,我差点摔了一跤。




How are you? I guess it’spretty tiring to correct all that homework, I wonder if there areany shortcuts?

As a new teacher for ourclass, I think maybe you would like to know a few things about ourclass.

Um…… firstly, maybe you would like a real goodassistant. I recommend agirl, her English name is Amy too, Amy Lin. She’s really good atprocessing details, and, yes, carrying stuff (but not too much.She does everything really fast, and can leave enough timeleft.

Secondly, you might need a student-tutor, astudent that teaches other students. Well, I think a student whichhas “maths-craze” called Eric well be fit for the job. Hecan get good English grades as well, also, he loves helping otherswith their studies. He wears black and blue rimmed glasses all daylong, and maybe you know him. Many boys treat him as a boss, andare willing to listen to him.

Thirdly, perhaps you’re alsolooking for a student which can entertain the class and makeEnglish classes more interesting (a class clown. Then I recommendLeo, he jokes all day long, has a great sense of humor and crazyimagination. But he isn’t a classic good student, so perhapssometimes you’ll get a bit annoyed.

It’sabout ten! Maybe I’ll have to leave the rest for nexttime.




Dear Mr Wang:

We are so pleased that you are willing to share our views.

In the course of the general revision,What we need is solid foundation. Methods are vital,so could you please introduce some learning keys?We think it can help us much better.

Could you please teach us slower? We should have time to understand everything we learnt .Then we can learn the nature not the surface.

We also need to practice the important and easily wrong difficulties again and again. And we won't get puzzled when we meet the similar questions.

Doing homework is a way to make sure if all of us can control the knowledge.We hope that there will be less homework in order to increase the quality.

Besides,inspire us more and we'll do better than before.


Li hua


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