

首页写景更新时间:2024-03-03 03:11:17




"啊? 天哪!"


"什么?假的? 。上帝呀!上帝呀!"玛蒂尔德一瞬间扭曲了的脸变的苍白,只觉得天地旋转起来。



佛来思节夫人坐在病床旁的凳子上打盹,他梦见珍妮疯了,衣衫褴褛,蓬头垢面地追自己:"我的项链在哪儿啊? 在哪儿啊?——"。一时间心急如焚,却只觉得两腿发软,怎么也跑不前去。忽然一身冷汗地醒来,只见玛蒂尔德正竭力用手扶着床想起来,还一边自言自语地说:

"我怎么了? 这是在哪儿啊?在哪儿啊——?"









Mathilde greeted her friend Jenny. Jenny told her the truth about the necklace. She was stunned, her hands covered in the big mouth, her eyes looking straight at Jennie, her eyes filled with resentment and sadness. The few trees along the road could not help but the cold wind of the withered leaf. Mathilde still stood there. At last she spread her hand over her mouth, and looked at the calloused hand, and she complained, "why, why? Jenny why didn't you tell me earlier? Otherwise, I wouldn't have to write a sequel to the necklace that I've been having since I lost this necklace. God, why are you so hateful, you are all scratching me, I have married such a useless husband, and let me lose a beautiful youth for a false necklace. I hate, I hate the injustice of this world. Why should I be a poor man who cannot wear gold and silver? The necklace! Or your fault, if you weren't so pretty, I wouldn't have picked you up, then I wouldn't have lost you... "A dead leaf floated down to mathilde's hands, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the withered yellow leaves, tears began to flow down and wet her face. She held the withered leaf in her hand and closed it in her arms, and she reflected, "isn't life like this dead leaf?








“要不,你的那条项链我还给你,我的丈夫还会给我买条新的,你看怎样?” “不,不用了,就算是老天对我的惩罚好了,再见!”玛蒂尔德漠漠地笑了一下,告别了珍妮,转过身走开了,开始她新的人生。


"I, I lost the necklace of lady frith."

"What? How could it be so, "said luva, in a frightened straighter.

When the necklace was lost, mathilde seemed to age a lot.

When they were having their lunch, the couvas were very nervous.

"Friend, have you finished with the necklace? I'm going to use it."

"Oh, are you going to use it? Well, that... "

He said, "I'm sorry, madam, but I lost my necklace. "

"That's all right, but it's 500 francs."

"What? 500 francs, it's fake?" "Asked Mrs. Lu.


"Great, I'll pay you 500 francs."

The couple were relieved that the couple were happy.

A month went by, and one day Mrs. Freusi asked her to accompany her to the party, and she said yes, and bought a suit and fine jewelry.

"Beautiful lady, can you dance?" "Asked a handsome man.

"Yes," said Mrs. Rutile, excited.

This once again satisfied the vanity of Mrs. Luwawa.

"Will you marry me? Beautiful lady.

"What, I have a husband!

"It's okay. You can divorce him."

"But...... "

The party was over, and she was so happy that she returned home, and worried that her husband would divorce her. When her husband came back, she insisted that he was divorced and married the man.

Then she found the man very fancy. She was so angry that she had a big fight with him and the man scolded her and let her go. She thought of her husband's thoughtfulness, and when she went to see him, she found that she had left the place.

The thoroughly despairing lady of the road, she threw herself into the river.


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