

首页写景更新时间:2024-03-03 18:02:07





窗外“噼里啪啦”,那是春节的警钟,向所有的人们宣告“过年了!”,当然了,过年时烟花是必不可少的,他们是天空的装饰品。点燃烟花筒,只听“轰隆”的一声巨响,信号发出,只见无数明亮而又璀璨的明星飞过天际,一朵朵美丽的莲花在空中展开了花瓣,也有的像一串串的珍珠,一条条瀑布,让我不禁想起青莲居士的名句“疑是银河落九天”,然人感到目不暇接。一声声响亮的爆竹声,一朵朵光芒四射、灿烂无比的烟花,在天空中飞舞,各式各样,五光十色,把天空点缀成一朵鲜花, 夜空顿时变得光彩夺目。此时的场面,被笑声、鞭炮声、喊声、乐曲声合成的旋律包围着,真是热闹极了。



gathering nearly all the well-known chinese original cartoon characters, ne zha, monkey sun and zhu bajie, the top three cartoon characters voted by kids, will lead acting in this dream fairyland and experience an outer space journey by spacecraft named °chang e±. including big-face cat, piggy bear and other nearly 20 characters will be joining this journey. a cartoon olympic game is on schedule as well, and the main difficulty they confront is how to ignite the torch on the pate of giraffe.

this smash show from cctv gathered a top line-up in chinese drama and cartoon field. top producers for screenwriting, choreography, casting, lighting and music devoted their talents here. lead acted by liu xiao ling tong and ma de hua, who are well-known for their excellent performance in tv series °journey to the west±, while notable children programs presiders as ju ping, dong hao, jin guizi and etc also join this sweet play with their specific role. cute characters, fantastic plot will endow kids a memorable hilarious night!


Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be?

Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday or even live on the moon,and some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there. We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes,which makes the life more convenient. Maybe we will also do some shopping and work at home.

And I'm sure there'll be more educational programmes on the radio or TV or by the Intemet or videophones,so perhaps some children won't need to go to school every day. They'll study at home.

In the future,all electric equipment at home is under the con-trol of computers. People can learn about the situation of the house by working on the computer at the office. No people like doing housework. Maybe each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot what to do-shopping,housework and so on. believe the dream will come true some day.


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