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the person i admire is my mum. she is an english teacher. she is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. students all enjoy her class.

my mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. she is patient with me and always smiling while talking. my mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. when i have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until i solve the problem. when im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

i remember when i caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. when we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. my mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. she must be very tired that day.

my mum is not very beautiful, but i admire and love her.


my mother is the person i admire the most because she has the following good qualities. firstly, she is a tolerant person. she will be tolerant to other peoples mistakes including mine.

when i make a mistake, she will let me know why i am wrong and how i am going to do to correct them, rather than simply punish me. secondly, she is such a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. although she is very busy at her work, she still accompanies me see the film and go to parks on weekends.




I respect the people, he is very ordinary, he is - cleaners. Cleaners, how ordinary ordinary names, and even a lot of people are reluctant to mention them. However, every corner of life has the footsteps of their step by step.

The cleaners used his hands in exchange for the neatness and cleanliness of our city. Dawn dawn, when the black sky is also set with a few sparse residual stars, they will get up, holding the most simple tool - broom, in every corner of the street busy open. In the humble position on the unknown work, in order to bring our home to a clean, a beautiful.

Cleaners are not only industrious, but also selfless dedication. Whether in the hot sun or snow, 365 days a year, from the non-stop this simple and difficult task. But there are many people in life not only do not support them, but also with a contemptuous look to see, and some people do not talk about health, random littering, destruction of the city appearance, and these cleaners, do not feel ashamed?

The cleaners are small, but how noble they are. Through the honeycomb, I saw a little bee, they are nervously brewing honey, it is not like a cleaner? They also use their hard-working hands to our life brewing sweet honey.

Cleaners are the epitome of thousands of laborers, the years of the ring to witness their contribution to the community, face wrinkles criss-cross, engraved with selfless dedication of the noble spirit, full of silver is thought With all this effort. They used the hands of labor to create a beautiful life.


我最敬佩的人是我妈妈。为什么这么说呢?因为,每个人的生命都是妈妈给的,要是没有了妈妈,还会有现在的你吗? 我想世上所有的妈妈都有一颗慈爱的心,都会细心照料你,关爱你,会付出一切代价来抚养你成|人,希望你做祖国的栋梁,为祖国效力。总不会有哪个妈妈付出一切代价生下你,有六亲不认的像垃圾一样把你扔掉,至少我妈妈不是这样的。 妈妈的脸是说变就变的。妈妈虽然有时会因为我不听话还打骂我,但我知道妈妈是对我好,因为我知道所有的妈妈都是爱自己的孩子的,只不过表达方式不同:有的比较严厉要求自己的孩子,有的则把自己的孩子像宝贝一样宠爱。我妈妈则是第一种类型,但她并不是平白无故的批评我,而是批评中又带有深厚的道理。 有一次,妈妈正在看电视,见我总是一边做作业,一边转过身去偷看电视,心里很生气,“要做作业就专心做,不能一心二用。”妈妈批评我道,“你再看,就把电视砸掉!”我听了,马上开始专心的做作业。晚饭过后,我躺在床上悠闲地看着电视,妈妈走了过来,见我又在看电视,又批评道:“你再看!”妈妈说到生气处,便伸手过来揪我耳朵。“你还不做作业。”妈妈继续批评,“你一边看电视,一边写作业,能做得好嘛?!所以你每天作业都作得这么晚。”于是,我便认认真真地去做作业了。从此,我牢记这次教训,每天放学回家坚持先做完作业再看一会儿电视,作业从没拖过。 这就是我的妈妈,难道不值得我敬佩?


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