

首页写景更新时间:2024-04-18 14:20:16


Firstly,you can expand your knowledge by watching TV.As we all know,learning things by TV is much faster than by listening to the radio or just by reading books.For it has colorful pictures as well as wonderful music.

Secondly,you may know anybody you want to know such as famous singers,super stars,scientists and so on.

What’s more,you can go everywhere by traveling programs.Let’s suppose,if you like traveling very much,but you have to work on weekends or holidays,you must be very sad.And now open your TV and it’ll take you to anywhere.

Every coin has two sides.The disadvantages are also obvious.For example,watching too much TV can easily become short-sighted,especially for children and students.To make matters worse,some young students are keen on watching TV so that they give up their studies gradually.

Through above analysis,I think watching TV is a way of studying,it is good for us to watch TV.But when we watch TV,we should make a plan otherwise watching TV will destroy our life.


Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in big cities. They shout at us from the television screen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of the newspaper, signal to us from the roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in colored lights all night.

Faced with a flood of advertisement, some people wonder whether it is necessary to have such huge sums spent on advertising. They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim. Why don't we stop advertising and use the money to reduce the price of goods? It sounds like a good idea, but they fail to notice the contribution advertising makes to our society. Because the production of a better product to compete for customers' money is the goal of advertisers, customers are thus given a chance to compare their products and get the best and cheapest one. Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed information as to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes life much more convenient. And another thing we mustn't forget: the fact that we pay so little for our daily newspapers and TV programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.

Advertising performs such a useful service to our society that we can't imagine what would happen if there were no advertisements. (198 words



(1) 同学们在优美的乐曲中翩翩起舞。

(2) 英勇的五位战士在弹尽粮绝的情况下毅然跳下悬崖。

(3) 他在老师的'教育下端正了学习态度。

(4) 青春运动会在雄壮的乐曲中开幕了。



(1) 小方很高兴,因为她这次得了第一名。

(2) 小爱感到十分遗憾,因为她不能参加这次歌咏比赛。

(3) 文艺会推迟到下个月举行,因为新剧院还未装修好。

(4) 洁白的雪其实不能吃,因为雪中有许多尘埃。



(1) 饮茶是一种享受。

(2) 飞机是一种交通工具。

(3) 骑自行车是一种体育运动。


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