

首页写景更新时间:2024-06-12 02:33:22


Today I watched the movie my mother and my sister, and I like it very much.

The movie is talking about the princess Elsa was born with magic. She could turn summer to winter with her hand. However, one day, she hurt her litter sister Anna with the magic when they are playing. Then Elsa spent more time alone in her own room, because she don’t want to hurt other people. While the girls grew up, their parents died for an accident. So Elsa will be the queen of the country. But people in the country found Elsa has the magic and they think she is a monster. So Elsa left the country and live in the ice castle build by herself. And Anna was going to find her sister, she met Olaf and Kristoff on the road. They overcame so many difficulties and finally they found Elsa. Anna wants Elsa go back home, but Elsa refused. But Anna didn’t give up.

At the end of the movie, Anna and Krisoff became lovers. Elsa know how to control her magic and don’t hurt other people.

From the movie, I learned that we should not afraid of difficulties in our life. We need to try our best to overcome the difficulties, then we can be successful and happy.








“Frozen” is a beautiful movie ,it has all the glorious settings, the storybook characters, and songs fit for a classic musical, ice has never looked so good . You may feel cold when you hear the name ,but after you finish watching you will not feel cold any more ,but feel warm . The movie tells the story of princess sisters from separation to get together again.

The film opens with two young sisters playing in their spacious residence. One , Elsa, can creat ice, frost, and snow from her bare hands, a power that keeps the younger Anna highly entertained. One day, she accidently hurt Anna (Elsa’s little sister for she could not control herself while playing. Their parents, the king and queen of Arendelle, bring the injured girl to stone trolls, who can help her but decide it’s best to remove any memory of her sister’s power. The two girls grow up with more distance between them than either would like, for Elsa has to keep her borned magic a secret.

However, while the girls grow up, their parents die for an accident at sea.When Elsa comes of age, the kingdom prepares for her coronation. During the party, Anna meets Prince Hans of Southern Isles and they talk for a long time. Then they feel they are fall in love with each other. Anna tells Elsa that she wants to marry with Hans which makes Elsa very angry. During the quarrel, Elsa can not control her power and exposes her ability. Then her motion makes the summer turned ino winter and frozen a lot of things. She runs away and bult her own palace in ice.

Anna wants to find her sister and meest mountain man Kristoff and his reindeer Sven. They help each other and with Olaf’s(a snowman made by Elsa and Anna when they were smallhelp,they finally find Elsa. However, Elsa hurts Anna inadvertently again and only acts of real love can save her.All the people think Hans’kiss can save Anna. But, Hans wanted to kill she and then he can became the king. So lucky, Elsa’s love saved Anna ,it called family love.

As always, love is the solution to everything. When it seems as if nothing can melt the icy heart of the frightened Elsa, love proves everyone wrong. But in this case, it’s sisterly loyalty and devotion rather than romance.


2月5日与小伙伴一起去看了冰雪奇缘,说实话我的期望值过高了。该片传承了迪士尼的一贯套路,采用了精美的画面,配上朗朗上口的歌曲,尤其是一首LET IT GO沁入心灵啊。居中的两个公主都很美丽,姐姐顾全大局、勇于突破困难,妹妹善良勇敢、对于事物充满新奇,但对我来说更喜欢妹妹一些。从剧情我们收获了爱情、亲情、友情的真谛,收获了勇敢之心、希望之心、懵懂之心。Anna为了寻找姐姐解救自己的国家,孤身一人前往,途中遇上了Kristoff和马儿,在遭遇了凛冽的气候和Elsa的拒绝之后,他们仍旧满怀希望继续前行、相互照顾、躲避灾难,由此萌生了情愫。当Anna回到城堡与Kristoff分别时,这是是最让我伤感的。一段情缘就因为一座高高的城墙而将二者的地位差别显得那么明显。不够让我欣慰的是最终两人还是在一起了。其实,有时候勇敢的爱情是需要双方努力而相互妥协的。而剧末时姐姐的泪滴融化了妹妹的冰躯,融化了整个冰雪世界,再一次向世人证明了爱的伟大,尤其是亲情。而Hans的所作所为告诉我们要小心陌生人,还有就是不要轻易相信。对啊,许多新鲜的事物具有很大的吸引力,但是在做事前最好还是三思而后行。总之,想该剧融合了多种元素,完整地呈现了关于冰雪的又一个故事,强烈建议听歌,歌词离开了剧情后也蛮有深意的。








现在的人们到底怎么了?为什么要学说广东话、深圳话、上海话,而很少有人去学说好我们最通用的普通话呢?难道广州、深圳这些地方的人听不懂普通话吗?不会吧,只是我们的内心在作怪,是我们内心的`虚伪心迫使我们在学说广东话、深圳话。现在广州、深圳、上海的经济发展的很快,当地的外来务工人员较多 ,所以那些地方芳言就容易传开。如果只是一些到外地工作的人,回到家乡给自己的家人秀两句方言就算了,但就是有一些人觉得好玩,还就把学习方言当成自己的一项任务,单找外地的人学习方言还不行,还非得去买几本关于“语言”的书去学习。现在的书商又是怎么了?为什么类似《学说广州话》、《学说深圳话》、《学说上海话》之类的书也要拿出来出版呢?只为了增加收入吗?我想这些收入也也来的太不应该了。



作为一名当代大学生,我向社会发出倡议: 大力推广普通话,增强中华民族凝聚力,促进国家经济建设;全力推行规范使用汉字,传承中华优秀文化


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