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初到缅甸 衣着奇特

经过两次飞机的飞行,我们终于平安抵达缅甸,我们坐着老舅的“拉风车”,先去住宿地。 路上,我们见到缅甸人穿的大都是上衣短袖,下身长裙,不过那长裙叫“沙笼”,男人女人都穿的,而且鞋子统一是“人字”拖鞋。见到我们这些外来游客,他们有的后着嘴偷笑,就是对我们指指点点,搞的我们想找地缝钻进去。



老舅带我们去大海上玩儿,订了几间豪华套间后,和我们一起去大海上散步。 金黄色的沙滩,蔚蓝蔚蓝的大海,谁看了都心旷神怡。时不时地还有彩色的贝壳被冲了上来,我挑起大大的.贝壳来,一个……两个……三个……转眼间已有十个漂亮贝壳了。过了一会儿,我们正式开始玩儿了,我们三个小孩趴在救生圈上,让大人拉着我到深处看一看。夕阳的余晖洒在大海上,金光闪闪;还有白鸥拂海面,我不禁吟诵道:“浪花与白鸥齐飞,海水共长天一色!”我们时而用脚溅出水浪,时而请大人们免费喝水吃盐。 最好笑的是三姨,水才至她膝盖,却一直在叫,吓得不行,所以天空中回荡的不是欢笑,是尖叫!




缅甸国家级公园,是我一直想去的地方,一天下午,老舅终于带我们去了。 一进公园,我们就看见五颜六色的花儿。做成大门的花更是奇特,我最喜欢蝴蝶花,黄灿灿,上面有黑色的蝴蝶在印衬,美丽极了。 观赏完花后,我们又去了湖边喂鱼和天鹅。老舅买了四大袋吐司,把一片片吐司掰成碎碎的,喂鱼儿吃,那是鱼儿最密集的地方,鱼儿吃得不亦乐乎,我们喂得了热火朝天。


转眼最后一天到了,我们在老舅家吃了最后一顿饭后去了机场,老舅和老舅妈十分舍不得我们,一直给我们送东西,提行李,直到我们过安检时,才走了。 这次缅甸之旅,不仅开阔了视野,而且也帮父母们解决了一些语言上的困难。这次出国旅行,我获得了十分意义的收获。


I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don’t miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice.


This winter holiday I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.

The Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture .

From the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the world.it is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!





In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family. First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos. They all like our culture and beautiful senery. Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third, we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food.

In a word, we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour.


Alas! Speaking of my summer vacation, that\'s a really rich and colorful! The most make me happy is my mother and I to play in the window of the world, playing all day. Can be happy!

Just to the gate, a Roman glass pyramid, came into our eyes, inscribed with four Chinese characters \"window of the world\", the word what a magnificent! I was thinking. Around the pyramid, it is a fountain of some two meters high. Is this four characters more gorgeous and colorful!

The door to watch has ended, we bought the tickets, hurried into the window of the world, we first to a call Japan laurel detached palace, here is introducing tea, wash cup, the style of tea. Because of this, I understand the style of Japanese tea.

Then, we visited some sculptures, such as: the world trade center, Japan\'s palace, and so on some of the building.

In this way, we then suddenly, until half past eleven we all of a sudden, forest through place, see this, I talk about playing with heart, and at work, I can\'t help, my mother and I immediately to start the game, wow! Good fast ah! My heart a, just relax, and nervous, just relax, and nervous,... My heart is such a.

Later, we played a lot of fun and exciting game, well, how did you feel today, I have a good time?


This summer my sister and I follow my mother to travel to the United States, we went to the three cities and one island, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Hawaii.

Hawaii is my favorite, although only two days, but I went to the beach for several times, is the famous waikiki beach, listening to the tour guide said where the sand came from Australia, where the water is clear, the sand is very clean, when I was in the sea waves to see the small fish, I also into base sand castle on the sand beach, made apple mould sand, crabs, bottle gourd, the shape of a fish, I also want to go to the seaside.


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