

首页写景更新时间:2024-06-03 14:56:22









读书固然有好处,但读书也要分“好书”和“坏书”。正像冰心奶奶那样说的,我也喜欢读那种真实的.、质朴浅显的文章,而那些风花雪月的文章,我自然也不喜欢。 我爱读书,因为它将我引入另一个世界,在那个世界里,我会得到许多别人得不到的东西。我把读书当做我生命中必不可少的一件事,它就跟我们每天吃饭睡觉一样重要,我离不开它,因为它早已是我生活中一个最要好的朋友。


There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn, winter. They are all so different, are very likable guy, but I only like white in winter.

Dancing after the autumn winter white wings to fly, it does not have the charactizing a fine spring, nor summer enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, more no harvest the fruits of autumn, winter, it hang, also has brought people of laughter.

You see the air, the dance, the silver elves, where lithe and graceful, graceful walk, it is the spirit of winter snow. Glittering and translucent get rid of is appeared, angular, kaleidoscope.

Myriad elves fluttering spread down the earth, make the earth look brand-new, good pack turn white. Some like green, the elves fell on the branch; Some like brown, landed on the roof tiles; Others fell on my head, clothes, and I catch up the tag, to show her magic magic, become crystal clear water droplets; Others fell on the wheat seeding the babys body, as if for a thick quilt over the difference, the difference baby HanHanDe, sweet, beautiful fell asleep... Others fell on the campus, campus immediately from the laughter, it is the students make a snowman snowball fights in the playground! Others fell on the warm homes, house the old man of the smile looking at air landing elf, eyes drifting far away; Others fell on the kindergarten, the children peaceful watching...

Winter brings the earth beautiful, brought crops harvest, brought happiness to us.

This is my favorite white winter!



我的爱好非常广泛,就像那天上闪烁的繁星,数也数不清——读书、滑冰、登山......但是说起我最感兴趣的,还是要数骑车了。 那天,爸爸妈妈带我去上街,无意中看到了一辆自行车,红色的扶手,红色的车身,还有红色的坐骑,是多么的精致啊!而且还有专门的给我这样的“菜鸟”准备的护轮呢!这——正是我梦寐以求的单车呀!于是我便软磨硬泡地叫爸爸妈妈给我买下来,终于,他们答应了。我乐得一蹦三尺高。在回家的路上,我一直乐不可支地骑着我心爱的单车。 第二天一大早,我便叫妈妈陪我去练车,妈妈答应了。因为护轮昨天弄歪了,在练习的时候我骑得东倒西歪的,护轮翘得老高,只能够靠妈妈扶着我才能骑了。当车子斜起来的时候,那护轮就痛苦地吱吱呻吟着。当我把车子扶正的时候,护轮就不声不响地了。

骑了一会,我已经可以让护轮不发出声音骑上5、6米了。又过了一天,爸爸就把护轮给拆了,我就只能够让妈妈扶着我骑了,在篮球场上,我骑了一个圈又一个圈,不知道什么时候,妈妈把手给松开了,没过多久就被我发现了,我慌张起来了,车子左扭一下右扭一下,忽然,车子歪了,幸亏我反应快,赶紧用脚撑住了地,要不然的话就得“流成河”了。 又过了几天,有人叫我去溜冰,我说:“NO,我不跟你玩溜冰了,我们来骑车!”结果,我很容易就赢了。 有喜有笑,有欢有乐,既锻炼了身体,又可以去兜风,这就是骑车的乐趣!


Winter grandpa quietly come to earth, a day and a night under the swirl of snow, the white snow, like the earth mother clothed with a robe.

Morning, dong dong and cc a listen to mom said its snowing, go and dress they wake up face, and then immediately ran into the yard and the children playing together.

The yard good lively! Some kids skiing in joyfully, some in jubilantly make a snowman, and in a snowball fight fiercely, its interesting! Dong dong and he also joined their ranks, cc to roll a big snowball, while others are responsible for the snow together, dong dong vigorously piled the snow together. He stood up, yi? As a something! So she quickly ran home, running said: \"I go home to take something!\" After a while, he was holding a small bag excitedly ran out. First she mysteriously from the bag took out two round and the little black button in the lovely face of light snow person, then took out a root long thin carrots in below the eye, and then take out a piece of red pepper do snowman mouth labeled, then on the ground to find two young trees on both sides of a fork in a snowman, a lively and lovely snowman was born. Last winter winter took off his scarf and hat to wear of light snow person, snowman has become more lifelike.

Spring is coming, winter winter and cc after learning home found that accompany the yard daily snowman is missing, they were very sad. Mother cant bear to see them so sad, and told them: \"light snow men afraid of you sad just wrote a letter to you, quick to see!\"

Winter grandpa left, and I began the New Year, I thank you gave me life gave me dressed up so pretty! Accompany I had a great winter! I really dont want to leave you! See the next winter.


There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees bee green and the flowers get boom.

In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather.

I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so fortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment.

I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.


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