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"Treasure ink garden" this name is how to come, I asked my father and mother, but they are not too clear, so I found the Internet to treasure the edge of the ink garden. The package at temple was built in the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing years, is enshrined in the light Song Ming Chen, Bao Zheng. There is a flood in the Xijiang River, there is a black wood drifting to the village, they put it back in the river, who knows the downstream water, the wood back to the village. When this happens again and again, people find it very strange and consecrate the black wood. Jiaqing four years the court to exterminate the corrupt He Shen, the society set off anti-corruption of the wind. As a result, people naturally want to get like that to clean Bao governance officials. Put the wood carved like BaoQingTian, build package at. The package at baomo garden predecessor.

There are many baomo garden Koi, we bought a bag of feed into a koi, the door to see there are many Koi under the bridge. We stand on the side of the bridge into the water with a feed, some from our past news Koi wags its tail to swim over, see here are also other Koi feed the gathering in crowds and groups swam, their mouths, tail slapping the water, as if eager to feed them we'll plant more points, very energetic.

Go down as if you are in the ancient garden, everywhere south of the Five Ridges classical architecture, bridges, will reveal pavilions, terraces and open halls, the heritage of Chinese culture, which baomo garden there are many precious cultural relics, there are many different periods of jade collection, calligraphy and painting etc.



这堂课,我们学的是诗圣杜甫的《春夜喜雨》。我们采用高效课堂的教学模式上课。在上一节课,老师让我们自学这首诗,并在小组内进行了展示,还分配了这节课在班里进行的展示任务。作为组长的 我开始立即思考怎样完成这个任务。不一会儿,我便胸有成竹。于是,我把组员们叫过来,给他们做了具体的安排。课下,组员们都进行了充分的准备,万事俱备,就等着今天的展示。

上课一开始,各组的组员就纷纷上台板书,快速书写着自己组里要展示的主要内容,有写生字词的;有写含义深刻得句子的;有写文章中心思想的;有写……他们的板书都是那么美观大方。展示开始了 ,同学们争先恐后地各抒己见,发表着自己的观点,每个同学都积极参与,就连我们班平时上课爱发愣、爱做小动作的同学也都在专心致志地倾听。终于轮到我们小组展示了,我迅速喊出口号:“聚焦 !”全班同学声音响亮地齐声回答: “迅速!”我接着喊:“倾听!”全班同学齐答:“认真!”同学们响亮的应答给了我们极大地鼓励,我对组员们说:“前面的小组展示的都很精彩,我们有没有信 心超过他们?”“有!”组员们齐声回答。展示开始了,我不慌不忙地说:“我们组探究的问题是:文章的标题《春夜喜雨》中,为什么说‘喜雨’?” 我的问题刚一抛出,就得到了大家的积极响应。 吕之璠行动最快:“我对这个问题的看法是:‘喜雨’中的‘喜’字说明这场雨下得很及时,作者心里很高兴。”他的话音未落,另一个同学马上接着说:“我还有补充……”。我们组展示完毕,教室 里立刻响起了热烈的掌声。学习还在继续,大家情绪高昂,课堂活力四射,充满了快乐!








The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings。 The passage of time can always give people some special things。

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited。 Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains。 In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true。 I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them。 The process of learning is also a growing process。

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties。 I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life。 However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years。


Yesterday I saw the school first class, feeling very deep. This year's theme is beauty is near. Beauty, a very common words, we are literally think beauty is beautiful. So, what is the true meaning of beauty?

With the question I look up, the first lesson is to find beauty. How to find? It makes people lost in thought. When everybody zhang two monks confused, host "shenzhou" 9 astronaut liu Yang, please tell for you. Liu said, the universe is endless, much bigger than she had expected: long, on the other side of the galaxy, the star vega, mercury, Saturn... . All panoramic view. Time is the most interesting of weightlessness, everyone one by one all floating in the air, pens, book ah of what are messy, can be fun. Finally, she concludes the essence to find beauty, love sports, and more to find the beauty around, so beauty will show in front of you.

LiuLiLi mountain elementary school teachers as the second class of the bell took to the podium, she is only 20 years old this year, in this flower age, many girls are enjoying, who will suffer poor mountainous areas! Can't liu, she is out of the mountain, liu with great love for the children's happiness, she hold the children art, gymnastics and other mountainous area children can't learn knowledge. Liu planted beauty, transfer the beauty. Let the beauty of the mountains germination, results. So she right because when people called the most beautiful teacher, this is to create beautiful?

Gymnastics team player Chen yibing showed also in the field. His contribution for our country in the London Olympic Games, the host asked him why he is going to win? His answer: before the race, they are seen as a failure. But because of his companions support each other, encourage each other. Make them very first champions league. The companion's encouragement is beauty.

Yu Dan is the most let me have a feeling of the teacher's words. She hit a harmonious beauty, for example, put eggs, tea, carrot in boiling water, eggs, hardened into the fragrant tea, tea radish was soft. That means what? Hardened eggs tend to be the kind of person who are "really low on agreeableness, and most men are single minded and turnip are too weak, they couldn't get hold of degree dating, so don't be understood, so being bullied. And the tea? It combines with water, this kind of person is good at unity collective, so they are best represents the harmonious beauty.

The school first class with only an hour and a half, but let me benefit a lot.


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