

首页写景更新时间:2024-07-09 23:15:07


For thousands of years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the body。 But our human being\\'s transportation is too fast。 The body moves but the soul is left behind。 We try to free ourselves in convenience, but we only imprison the soul。 Since we invented how to count hours, we do everything to short the time, short the deadline。 But the time saved can\\'t be shorten。 Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family。 We have plenty of time to search old news on the internet, while we hardly think about our life。 In the end, the only thing apparent is our loneliness。

Take your time, please。 Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock。 Try to share your time with everybody you love, share your mind, your happiness and sadness。 Try to read the world we live in, do not only catch a quick glimpse at the society。

Someday, when we know how to spend every second in our life, we can then live our own life。


Nowadays,thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, great changes have taken place in countryside. Now let me introduce some changes in details.


Inthe past, farmers used to live in the huts which were in poor quality. Theywould be destroyed easily in the heavy storm. But nowadays, most farmers havetheir own houses and flats. Some houses are even bigger and more marvelous thanthe ones in the city.


Inthe past, farmers usually starved to death in disasters, because they hadnothing to eat. But nowadays, farmers can plant many corps to live with or sellthem. No wonder that most of them are wealthy.


Inthe past, farmers were hardly to see the outside world, since they had to trampover the mountains if they wanted to go out. But nowadays, many high ways andtunnels have been built, so it’s convenient for them to go out. Moreover, mostfarmers also have their private cars. Therefore, they can go anywhere theylike.


Inthe past, farmers always suffered from the diseases, because there was nodoctor at all. But nowadays, many hospitals have come into being in countryside, so they can be cured in time.


Inthe past, it was difficult for children to study in countryside. Butnowadays, as there are so many schools in countryside, more and morechildren can get a better education.


Whata wonderful life in countryside. Maybe countryside will be morethriving than the city in the near future.



When students finish their high school, most of them will to go study in college, the first thing they do is to choose the major. Choosing the major is a big problem for every college student, not only for Chinese students, but also for the students around the world. Students will face the factors such as their interest is more important or the future of the major worth being first concerned.


On the one hand, most parents care about the future of the major. When students decide the major, parents will interfere with their own opinion, they want their children can have a bring future, so they care much about the needed talent of the society. Thus the children can find a promising job and earn more money.


On the other hand, students want to choose the major that they are interested. This is often contradicting with their parents’ opinion. Some students want to learn art, but most parents won’t be allowed it because it is hard for students to find a job. Everyone admits that interest is the first factor, with it, students will feel happy.


When choosing the major, students should considerate their parents’ opinion, most parents are open-minded, they will respect the kids’ willingness.







一个学期过去了,你进化的频率和次数都在降低,到了这个新的学期,目前为止一次进化都没有诶,恭喜你啊情绪大王,你马上就要战胜自己体内的小恶魔了。除了昨天的英语课上,你因为别人笑话你,所以将橡皮在短时间内瞄准并且掷出,一个完美的抛物线直接将一个小朋友弄哭了。笑话你的小朋友当然也受到了批评,毕竟我们都知道应该学会尊重他人,不能嘲笑 或者落井下石。但是情绪大王啊,我们遇到事情要先反思自己有没有做好啊,而且你的解决方式也不完美,我们都知道遇到问题不能用拳头了,而是嘴巴,君子动口不动手嘛,不然你每次犯错我都暴揍你一顿,你肯定也不乐意吧,所以将心比心,我们换个角度来替别人思考一下,就可以找到更合适的方法啦!我们可以在课下用讲道理的方法或者通过寻求周周老师的帮助来解决嘛,不要觉得找周周老师会显得自己很没有面子,我可是很乐于主持公正的!不过好在你这次只是处于第一阶段“据理力争”——“谁让他笑我了!”,并没有完成究极进化,而且事后很快认识到了自己错误,我真是替你感到开心!



There are a small number of people called “the moonlight clan” in our society, who always run out of their income each month and have no plan to save money. Concerning with this kind of consumption conception, some consider it as a fashion while other oppose it.


Those who are in favor of this kind of consumption conception point out that being moonlight clan let them have more chances to enjoy lives and live in a high-quality life. However, the opponents argue that it is not a kind of rational conception because those called “the moonlight clan” may have no ability to cope with their rainy day. In addition, this kind of consumption habit put a premium on extravagance and waste to some extent.


Taking the two opinions into consideration, I am inclined to agree with the latter one. From my point of view, the life of the moonlight clan is more luxurious or high-quality but they may be lack of sense of security, especially in their rainy day. Therefore, I still advocate that all of us should keep some money at any time so that we will not be too difficult in our rainy day.



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