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Reading Notes of Pride and Prejudice

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” This beginning sentence of the book seems to tell us the main story of the book is about the marriage of rich men. The heroine of the book is Elizabeth and at the chapter One, we are told that the father Mr. Bennet prefers Elizabeth among his daughters, in this case, Elizabeth must be a girl who is more special and intelligent.

The story is about love and marriage. Charlotte married Collins because his fortune and she feels nervous about her age even the man is so old-fashioned and ingratiating. However, their marriage is about money and they do not get the real happy. The other man Wickham is a handsome but a man who is a liar. He lies to Elizabeth to gain her appreciation. And his love with Lydia is shallow and about appearance. The love of Jane and Bingley has a better ending. They have love in the relationship and appreciate each other because of the deeper virtue. But they do come through a lot because the misunderstanding they had before.

The love of Elizabeth and the hero of the book Darcy responses the title Pride and Prejudice. In the eye of Elizabeth, Darcy is no doubt pride and arrogant. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth and proposes marriage to her, but he is still very arrogant so Elizabeth refuses him directly. Darcy

feels hard hit and regrets of being arrogant. However, Elizabeth has a prejudice about Darcy at the very beginning and mistaken believes in Wickham but she finally knows the truth and feels shame of her family. Darcy moves Elizabeth with his pleasant virtue in the end.



在这本书中所倡导的正宗的英语无疑指的是简明英语,特点是”direct, simple and clear”.下面是简明英语的起源(摘自百度)。

“简明英语是由查尔斯·凯·奥格登发明的只有少量单词的英语,他的书简明英语--规则和 语法的.一般约定里对此有所描述。





一个语言中什么说法能不能用要取决于大多数人是怎么说的,因为你的目的是让大多数受众明白。比如clinch现在虽然被认为是不符合语法,但有些时代中因为大家都这么说,所以当时是可以接受的。所以这种情况下,”non native speaker” 就很吃亏,因为没有大环境让你了解其他人都在怎么说。

我认为在这里,中式英语中最应该摒弃的无疑是you can you up这类说法。当然这个是有点太low了,相信有点英文素养的人都不会犯。接下来要摒弃的就是不常见说法,也就是本书中part one所强调要纠正的。然后对于part two中少用名词多用动词、少用被动多用主动这类型风格类的倾向,我认为就要依文本需求和受众需求来定了,如果一个文本十分正式,翻译的很直白自然也是不合适的。




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