

首页看图更新时间:2023-11-16 08:55:56


前情提要:炒菜”cook the meaIs”倒垃圾“empti the trash”


老师,全班同学齐读:“sweep the floor!”(扫地)(有杂音,有杂音!)

老师,全班同学齐读:“wayer the flowers!”(浇花)(有杂音,有杂音!)

同学1:“ I’can sweep the follr!”(我会扫地)

老师:“He’s helpfu!”(你有用)

老师:“齐读!wayer the flowers!“

同学XXXX+大声音最大:“wayer the floor!!!!”(浇地...)






刘爽对我们说:“我学会了个新单词!sweep the flowers!!!”(扫花) 我超级晕...

我对同桌说:“刘爽又发明了新单词!cook the trash!(炒垃圾)empty the Liushuang(倒刘爽)!!!!”





Dear XXXX,

I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting.

Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.



The fox, filled with arrogance, examined the cat from head to feet, and for a long time did not know whether he should give an answer. At last he said, "Oh, you poor beard-licker, you speckled fool, you hungry mouse hunter, what are you thinking? Have you the nerve to ask how I am doing? What do you know? How many tricks do you understand?"

"I understand but one," answered the cat, modestly.

"What kind of a trick is it?" asked the fox.

"When the dogs are chasing me, I can jump into a tree and save myself."

"Is that all?" said the fox. "I am master of a hundred tricks, and in addition to that I have a sackful of cunning. I feel sorry for you. Come with me, and I will teach you how one escapes from the dogs."

Just then a hunter came by with four dogs. The cat jumped nimbly up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage completely hid her.

"Untie your sack, Mr. Fox, untie your sack," the cat shouted to him, but the dogs had already seized him, and were holding him fast.

"Oh, Mr. Fox," shouted the cat. "You and your hundred tricks are left in the lurch. If you been able to climb like I can, you would not have lost your life."










Country Garden and Me

On the way from Panyu City to Shunde City and approaching the conjunction point of both cities, a big advertisement board of the infamous Country Garden will catch your eyes. And on the board, a lovely girl gently holds a little white pigeon.

She looks at everybody with a sweet smile. Who is this girl? Let me tell you later. Country Garden is located at the Beijao town, Shunde City of Guangdong Province. Ten years ago when my Dad and Mom took me as a baby to Guangzhou, it was a wasteland here. But what does this piece of wasteland look like nowadays? Country Garden has been developed and enlarged rapidly on the ground of this land, and a great number of high-quality houses and apartments have been built up within the garden. Over the past decade, other nine country gardens with various unique designs have been erasing around the great city of Guangzhou. The construction and management of several gardens have engaged the devoted contributions from my Dad and Mom.

Country Garden has grown up together with me, and I am one of the witnesses of its growth and development.


Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then

addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."


Dear XXX,

I know you have just come into a new class and can hardly get well on your classmates that you are worried about it.I'm very glad to help you. So let me help you to analyze the reasons and help you to solve the problems.Firstly,maybe you are introverted,so you should change your character and try to chat with others.

Then you will find they are very kind and easy to get along with.Secondly,you may be not adapt to the new class.So you just need some time to try to know about the new team.And you will find the new team is very interesting.Finally,I suggest you to introduce yourself to your classmates.Totally,it all depand on yourself.So cheer up!




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