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How to prevent the H7N9?

As is well known,the A flu is spreading throught our country. However, if we negnect it, the deadly H7N9 may cause more infectors,or even more deaths. So what is the most important is that we should take some effective measures to prevent it.They can be listed as follows.

Firstly,it is necessary for you to realize the Avian flu can be prevented if you develop good living habits. For example,you shouldn’t forget to wash your hands before meals.Besides,don’t spit everywhere and try to cover your mouth or nose with paper or hankerchiefs when you have to cough or sneeze.What’s more, remember to wear the mouth-cover if you have to go to the public places, such as the crowded cinemas,supermarkets, buses,where the A flu may spread easily.

Secondly,of course, taking exercise more often and taking good sleep to build your body are wise choices for you to reduce the risk of being infected.

Last but not the least, if you are unlucky to be infected with the slight flu cold, try to stay at home,and take some medicine. Do pay attention to your daily body temperature. If you have a high fever, go to the hospital without delay for further treatment. Make sure you are not expected to come back to school before the cold or flu is cured.

Only by doing like this can you prevent or defeat the A flu in the end.



妈妈让我吃药,我不吃,妈妈便苦口婆心的劝我说道:“楠楠,吃了药病才会好,如果你不吃药,难受的还是你自己。”我听了,觉得妈妈说的有些道理,于是就接过妈妈早就准备好的药汤。我盯着这碗药,迟迟不敢下口喝。我看着那碗药,它仿佛在说:“哈哈,胆小鬼,连我都不敢喝,真是不折不扣的胆小鬼!”我心想:哼!我才不是胆小鬼,你看我敢不敢喝你!想完,我便把药送到嘴边,还没有喝,我便闻到了一股苦味,这种味会让人产生想吐的感觉,我又打算打退堂鼓了,可是我又想起了妈妈对我说的话,于是我捏住鼻子,一口气把药喝了下去。喝完后,我便睡了一觉起来后 ,病果然好了。感冒真的不好受,我以后一定要好好预防感冒,不让它再来到我身上;还有,我以后一定要听妈妈的话,不让她在为我操心。



该词意为:considering that, “鉴于”,“就(而论”,常用于合同协议书的开头段落以引出合同双方订立合同的理由或依据。如:Whereas Party A desires to use the Patented Technology of Party B to manufacture and sell the Contract Products……鉴于甲方希望利用乙方的专利技术制造并销售合同产品。


该词意为:by the agreement, by the following terms and conditions,“凭此协议”,“凭此条款”,常用于合同协议书中以引出合同当事人应承担的主要合同义务。如:

A sales contract refers to a contract whereby the seller transfers the ownership of an object to the buyer and the buyer pays the price for the object。 句中a contract whereby the seller transfers……意为:a contract by which the seller transfers……



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